Councillor Carol Hart

Profile image for Councillor Carol Hart

Title: Cabinet Member - Health & Communities

Party: Conservative

Division: Breadsall and West Hallam

District: Erewash

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
Derbyshire County Council
County Hall

Phone:  01159 322513

Mobile:  07748 797957


Phone:  01629 536792

Download Councillor Carol Hart contact details as VCard


Committee appointments

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

Personal Information

I attended Nightingale Junior School, Homelands Grammar School and Derby College. Worked in an office environment for 1 – 2 years before becoming a manager of the largest private ownership supermarket which was owned by my parent’s partner. I then became sub-postmistress before becoming a partner in my late husband’s building company.


I love sport as I am a season ticket holder at Derby County. I am also a president of West Hallam Junior Football Team and West Hallam White Rose CC. I enjoy going on holiday when I can fit them in, particularly Malta.


Reasons for becoming a Councillor

My husband passed away in 1996 and I was asked if I would like to take his place on my local Parish Council. I decided to carry on his good work and have enjoyed being involved so much that when a vacancy became available in my ward for Erewash Borough Council in 2001, I stood and was elected.


Contact Details


Mobile(s): 07748 797957 or 07900 673077

Home: 01159 32215

