Title: Cabinet Member - Clean Growth and Regeneration
Party: Conservative
Division: Ilkeston West
District: Erewash
Correspondence address:
Derbyshire County Council
County Hall
Phone: 01629 536009
Mobile: 01629 539053
Email: Tony.King@derbyshire.gov.uk
Mobile: 07970 741754
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Personal information
My first job out of University was with Rolls Royce in Derby, followed by a move to Stanton. I then worked within the Stanton Group for 8 years with spells at head office and Holwell Works; left to manage a number of foundries in Nottingham, Sheffield and South Wales over the following 20+ years. During the last 18 years I have worked for EMDA, and within the low carbon vehicle industry. This included a spell in DDEP in Economic Development and Inward Investment and in EMDA HQ in Transport Innovation.
Besides my role within the Council, I am involved in Low Carbon vehicles, energy and infrastructure projects for Innovate UK, a government agency, and am passionate about supporting SMEs to develop game changing solutions in this area. I belong to Rotary which allows me to give time to local projects.
Reasons for becoming a Councillor
I became a Councillor because I am passionate about a number of issues; the Low Carbon agenda, encouraging SMEs to achieve their full potential and to improve the general level of job opportunities in the County. Derbyshire is an amazing County with superb natural assets plus a unique history in being at the forefront of the current latest technology, much of which was and is in the transport industry.
My vision is that we continue to build on this heritage so everybody in the County has the opportunity to benefit both through employment and education. Earlier in my career I visited a number of the coal processing sites in the County which have thankfully closed; I would like to think we can remediate and develop those sites to provide higher skilled jobs in appropriate new technology industries.