ePetition details

Residential Parking Permits, Melbourne

We the undersigned petition the council to take more enforcement action on parking in areas that are illegal and new double yellow areas in problematic areas but not by asking the residents to pay extra with these silly permits which is just a excuse. Such areas include outside the school and centre of melbourne.

We say NO to residential parking permits in Melbourne for residents.

Although parking is a problem in Melbourne the solution is not permits for residents especially when they are not guaranteed there space. There are many who have carers or relatives that visit Melbourne and this would mean they would not be able to park near there house.

By signing this petition you are saying NO to parking permits in reference to the consultation that is currently happening on the resident parking scheme.

Also forcing residents to do a consultation form that could be filled in by anyone with no details could allow for false numbers of no or yes votes.

So i am raising this petition to show the the NO votes.

Started by: Mark Whyatt

On reaching 100 signatures The matter will be referred to the relevant Cabinet Member.

This ePetition ran from 28/10/2023 to 30/04/2024 and has now finished.

35 people signed this ePetition.