ePetition details

Ramblers Cafe, Shipley Park

We the undersigned petition the council to stop the closure of The Ramblers Cafe in Shipley Park.

The Ramblers Cafe in Shipley Park, Derbyshire, is more than just a place to grab a cup of coffee. It's a community hub that brings us together. It's where we share stories and create memories. However, our beloved cafe is under threat due to unfair targeting by the council with high rent increases.

Shipley Park is visited by thousands of people every year and the Ramblers Cafe plays an integral part in their experience. Its closure would not only affect local residents but also visitors who come from far and wide to enjoy its warm hospitality.

The council's decision to increase the rent disproportionately seems unjustified considering the cafe's importance for our community cohesion and local tourism industry. We believe this action undermines the social value that such establishments bring into our lives.

We urge you to join us in appealing against this decision made by the council. Let us stand together as a community, protect our shared spaces, and ensure that Ramblers Cafe continues serving us for years to come.

Please sign this petition today - let your voice be heard!

Started by: Rachel O'Neill

On reaching 100 signatures The matter will be referred to the relevant Cabinet Member.

This ePetition ran from 09/02/2024 to 14/04/2024 and has now finished.

46 people signed this ePetition.