RESOLVED to approve:
1) An increase in the rate paid to independent sector residential care homes for the financial year 2024-25 by 7.9% per week;
2) An increase in the rate paid to independent sector nursing homes for the financial year 2024-25 by 7.9% per week;
3) Making an inflationary payment of up to 7.9% for specialist care home placements where evidence is provided of inflationary pressures;
4) An updated fee rate of £ 53.18 per day for a day care placement in a care home;
5) Make an inflationary payment of up to 7.9% for day care placements on the Council’s Day Care framework where they can evidence their increase in costs;
6) Increasing the rates for in-house day care and residential care by 7.9%; and
7) Increasing the dementia rate by 7.9% per week.