Issue - decisions

Ash Dieback Disease

21/04/2022 - Ash Dieback Disease

Councillor C Renwick presented a report, which had been circulated prior to the meeting that, gave an update on progress made with the agreed actions to manage the spread of ash dieback disease in Derbyshire and requested that the Cabinet noted the completion of the Ash Dieback Action Plan (ADAP) along with the associated resource implications.




1)   Approve the adoption of the Council’s Ash Dieback Action Plan and the implementation of its recommendations and actions;


2)   Note the staffing and other resource requirements as detailed in the plan to effectively manage ash dieback disease going forward;


3)   Note the funding need estimated to deal with this County-wide issue; and


4)   Approve the carry forward of any underspend into an earmarked reserve for use to offset the Plan’s costs in future years.