Agenda item

Matters Determined by the Executive Director - Economy, Transport and Environment under Delegated Powers


RESOLVED to note that the following applications had been approved by the Executive Director – Place under delegated powers on:


Delegation Decisions on Schemes Required by Planning Conditions:

CD8/0221/49 Harrington County Junior School

SD3586: External Elevational Brickwork


Applicant: Severn Trent Water Limited

Planning Application Code No: CW3/0521/7

Section 73 to not Comply with Conditions 3 pf Planning Permission CW3/0320/83 to Permit the Installation of Four New Swing Jibs, Revised Sludge Tank Covers and Relocation of the Motor Control Centre Kiosk Doors, Matlock Sewage Treatment Works


Delegation Decisions on Schemes Required by Planning Conditions:

CD6/0221/51 Kilburn Junior School

SD3585: Intrusive Ground Investigations

SD3584: Site Stability and Methods of Intrusive Ground Investigations

SD3585: Assessment Relating to Ground Gases

SD2588: Ecology Survey.



Applicant: Derbyshire County Council

Planning Application Code No: CD8/0421/1

Section 73 to not Comply with Conditions 3 and 17 of the Approved Planning Permission CD8/0120/72 at the Former Pupil Referral Unit, Brookside Road, Breadsall


Applicant: Ben Bennett Jnr Ltd

Submission No: PD17/3/84

Request for Prior Approval for Replacement Portacabins to be Located in the same Positions as the Existing Cabins at Grange Mill Quarry, Wirksworth


Delegation Decisions on Schemes Required by Planning Conditions:

CM1/1017/58 Dowlow Quarry

SM3595: Investigation for Archaeological Work

SM3596: Protected Species Survey – Badges

SM3597: Protocol for the Management of Protected Species

R1/1017/33 Dowlow Quarry

SM3598: Protocol for the Management of Protected Species

CHA/1156/23 Hindlow Quarry

SM3575: Soil Stripping and Storage

CD6/0221/51 Kilburn Junior School

SD3582: Travel Plan

CD8/0221/49 Harrington County Junior School

SD3599: Measures to Prevent Badgers being Trapped in Open Excavations and/or Pipes and Culverts

SD3600: Identify and Control Any Environmental Risk


Applicant: Derbyshire County Council

Planning Application Code No: NMA/0721/77

Non-Material Amendment to Planning Permission Code Number CD8/0920/33 to Amend the List of Approved Plans Associated with Condition 3 at the Former Ormiston Academy and Playing Fields, Bennerley Avenue, Cotmanhay, Ilkeston


Delegation Decisions on Schemes Required by Planning Conditions:

CD8/0120/72 Behavioural Support Centre Breadsall

SD3591: Details for storage of plant and materials, site accommodation, loading, unloading of goods’ vehicles, parking of site operatives’ and visitors’ vehicles, routes for construction traffic, hours of operation, method of prevention of debris being carried onto highway and any proposed temporary traffic restrictions.

SD3593: Details of additional surface water run-off during construction.


Applicant: Russell Barker, Red Materials Ltd

Planning Application Code No: NMA/0821/78

Non-Material Amendment to Planning Permission CW5/1117/69 to Change the Order of Phased Re-Profiling and Restoration of the Site including Location of the Site Compound within Phase 3 at the Former Oxcroft Colliery Tip, Mill Lane, Stanfree S44 6AG


Delegation Decisions on Schemes Required by Planning Conditions:

CM9/0620/19 Extension to Willington Quarry

SM3601: Water Receptor Monitoring Scheme

CHA/1156/23 Hindlow Quarry

SM3576: Archaeological observation and recording – Written Scheme of Investigation

SM3577: Ecological Survey and Recording


Applicant: Tarmac Cement and Lime Limited

Planning Application Code No: CM1/0621/12

The Erection and Operation of a Filter Fines Feed System Comprising Three Silos and Ancillary Development at the Existing Cementitious Bagging Plant at Tunstead Quarry, Waterswallows, Wormhill, Buxton SK17 8TG


Delegation Decisions on Schemes Required by Planning Conditions:

CD8/0221/49 Harrington County Junior School

SD3587: Construction Management Plan


Applicant: Derbyshire County Council

Planning Application Code No: CD5/0821/19

Removal of Existing Dilapidated Roof Lights and Replacement with New at Bolsover Family Support Centre, High Street, Bolsover S44 6HF


Delegation Decisions on Schemes Required by Planning Conditions:

CD8/0120/72 Former Pupil Referral Unit Breadsall

SD3590: Construction Management Plan and Construction Method Statement

SD3602: Method Statement

SD3604: Scheme to identify and control any environmental risks associated with the site are developed and undertaken

SD3605: Written Method Statement for remediation and environmental risks.

SD3592: Detailed design and associated management and maintenance plan of surface water drainage.

SD3594: Landscape and Ecological Management Plan


Applicant: Steetley Dolomites Ltd

Planning Application Code No: CM5/0721/13

Erection of a Storage Shed and Replacement of an Existing Hardstanding, Whitwell Works, Southfield Lane, Whitwell S80 3LJ


Applicant: Mr Les Foulger, C/O Saint Gobain PAM

Planning Application Code No: CW2/0721/17

Application Made Under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning Application to not Comply with Conditions 24 (Restoration Masterplan) and 25 (Restoration of Lagoons and Ponds) of Planning Permission Reference CW2.0113/133, including Revised Restoration Scheme that Accommodates an Existing High Voltage Underground Electricity Cable that Passes through the Site and Reconfiguration of Hedgerow Banks and Field Pattern (Made in Retrospect), Former Staveley Works off Works Road, Hollingwood, Chesterfield


Applicant: Derbyshire County Council

Planning Application Code No: NMA/1021/79

Non-Material Amendment for Proposed Design Changes to Approved Planning Application Code No: CD8/0221/49, including Increase in Roof Parapet Heigh by 250mm, Photovoltaic Cells on Roof and Substitution from Trespa to Rockpanel Cladding, Harrington County Junior School, Derby Road, Long Eaton, NG10 4BJ


Delegation Decisions on Schemes Required by Planning Conditions:

CD1/0420/5 Glossopdale School, Hadfield

SD3603: Scheme providing lux levels, the height and location of proposed lighting, he specification for the light fittings and measures to prevent adverse impacts to bats. Scheme shall also make provision for no lighting to be erected along the eastern elevation of the new building.





Supporting documents: