Agenda item

Vetting Report


The Police and Crime Commissioner provided the Panel with a report on the vetting processes within the Derbyshire Constabulary.


Following the Sarah Everard Murder by a serving Police Officer, His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS), was commissioned to inspect how Vetting, Misconduct and Misogyny were being dealt with across all 43 police forces, this included the ability to detect and deal with predatory behaviour, by its officers and staff. This inspection made a number of recommendations.


Baroness Casey's interim report into the culture and standards at the Metropolitan Police Service, published last year, raised concerns about the low number of police officers being dismissed and that those with multiple allegations of misconduct against them are still serving the public.


On Friday the 20th of January 2023, all police forces in England and Wales were informed there would be a requirement to update the progress against each of the recommendations identified by HMICFRS by Wednesday the 25th of January 2023, some of which were relating to vetting.


The Commissioner explained that her role was to make sure that the Force were providing a high standard of service to residents and considered that this included ensuring that officers and staff that had not passed the vetting standards, or that had additional adverse information against them, were dealt with swiftly and in the appropriate manner.


The Commissioner had regular meetings with the Chief Constable and her team to monitor progress on recruitment and vetting and had received reassurance that the above request by HMICFRS had been complied with. Derbyshire Constabulary had responded identifying that at the time that the Constabulary were compliant with all the recommendations including those relating to vetting, either having already been implemented or would be, within the recommended timescales for implementation.


The Commissioner explained that her Performance Scrutiny meeting in November had focussed on violence against women and girls and details had been provided of how many officers had/were being investigated.


The Commissioner had asked the force to summarise their operational activities on this matter and a detailed summary of the relevant information for the panel was attached as an Appendix to the report.


Members were given the opportunity to make comments and ask questions and particular reference was made to the following:


That some women within the force were fearful of speaking out, which in turn could lead to long term sickness absence or women leaving the force completely.


The Commissioner explained that she was made aware of such information and she sought reassurance on a regular basis from the Chief Constable. She believed that significant progress had been made over recent years with women less afraid to speak out, but that more work could be done. Derbyshire Constabulary worked alongside Crimestoppers and others to identify misogyny and whilst no one could say there weren’t ‘bad apples’ within the force, she was able to reassure the Panel that every effort was being made to identify them.


A number of members raised the issue of the need for balance and whilst recognising the positive work the majority of officers and staff were doing, emphasised that the strong vetting processes in place within the force were a key mechanism in identifying those people who were a danger to the workforce and the public. It was noted that 4000 people had been submitted into the system for checks and members requested that the outcome of these be made available to the Panel once known


The Commissioner understood that it remained an ongoing challenge both locally and nationally and that the force would do more and more to make sure offenders were identified. She agreed to provide the requested data once known.


A member raised the question that nationally, in only 10% of cases of those found guilty was any action taken and could the figures for Derbyshire Constabulary be provided.


The Commissioner agreed to provide these figures for Panel Members.


RESOLVED to note the report.





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