Agenda item

Public Questions (30 minute maximum in total)

(Questions may be submitted to be answered by the Scrutiny Committee, or Council officers who are attending the meeting as witnesses, on any item that is within the scope of the Committee. Please see the procedure for the submission of questions at the end of this agenda)



Question from D Ingham:


I was appointed as an Attendance Manager at the Council 2001-2004 and co-wrote the policy, procedures and provided metrics/training to all Managers at the time.

Wellbeing is at the top of the national agenda and I retain an avid professional interest in the area. 

At June's CIPD Olympia Conference "Rethinking absence management to provide flexible wellbeing support" is being delivered.

I note the update on the Wellbeing Strategy - approved 3 years ago. The delivery of the strategy has apparently been delayed in part due to Covid at a time when those especially working with clients have arguably needed the most support - ironically due to Covid impact.

The Wellbeing strategy hasn’t been progressed to the degree other work areas have. Measures taken appear to consist of repeated ones. In terms of new and pivotal interventions it appears much needs to be done and at pace. Employees currently face huge challenges be it personal, health employment and/or financial pressures. 

The report references to the People Strategy. To understand any impact on the Wellbeing Action Plan and timeline what is the position of the People Strategy in terms of current status and progression as there appears to be linkage between elements ? 

Response :


The Council’s People Strategy was approved by Cabinet in July 2021. The 5 people priorities defined within the strategy are now integral to departmental service planning and form the basis of departmental people plans. As outlined in the People Strategy, one of the 5 people priorities is to ‘enable and ensure the wellbeing and safety of our people’ with the Wellbeing Strategy being a key enabler of the People Strategy.


Whilst the work on the Wellbeing Strategy was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic the Council implemented a robust and targeted response to safeguard staff delivering frontline services and support the physical and emotional wellbeing of all staff.


Supplementary Question:


My supplementary question concerns the People Strategy which came to this Scrutiny Committee in March 2021 before being approved in July. Within that Strategy it refers to the Employee Value Proposition (EVP) offer - this will help define what we expect from our employees as we develop a position of mutual trust. The EVP is aligned to the five people priorities of which Wellbeing is number 5.


The People Strategy will ensure that the council embeds fair processes and practices across its workforce, develop the council’s culture and employee values in terms of being honest fair and transparent. As part of the People Strategy it states a clear competency framework will support our people to deliver their roles in terms of behaviours and competencies.


Can an officer please explain the current situation regarding this key competency framework and its delivery given it underpins the Wellbeing Strategy which the Council is looking to have embedded in day to day operations by 2023/2024?




The competency framework has been developed for senior leaders across the authority and the council is working to develop this for wider employees to support them in delivering their roles in terms of behaviours and competencies. The competency framework is integral to the People Strategy.


Supporting documents: