Agenda and draft minutes

Standing Advisory Committee for Religious Education - Monday, 4 July 2022 1.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1, County Hall, Matlock, DE4 3AG

Contact: Ivan Walters  538328

No. Item




The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, and members introduced themselves


To receive Declarations of Interest (if any)


There were no declarations of interest.


To confirm the non-exempt minutes of the meeting of the SACRE held on 21 March 2022 pdf icon PDF 101 KB


RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the SACRE meeting held on 21 March 2022.


There were no  matters arising from the minutes.


Matters Arising from the minutes


Reflections on Destiny and Destinies


Following on from the presentation by Ava Hunt on ‘Destiny and Destinies’ at the Development Day, in general members felt that this was a very interesting and excellent piece of work and showed the power of drama in getting the key messages across  and creating understanding to both children and parents.


Discussion then took place about how best to use the resource in schools, given the unlikelihood of extra funding being available to roll the production out through live performances in schools.


It was suggested that perhaps a way forward would be to make the film available in schools and that teachers in schools would find creative ways to deliver that to students, which would be beneficial also in terms of providing CPD to colleagues. It was also felt that this would make an excellent transition project across Years 6 and 7.


RESOLVED to note the comments made by members and that Steve Ford would liaise further with Ava Hunt to progress this.


SACRE Report 2022 pdf icon PDF 980 KB


Prior to the meeting members had received a draft copy of the Derbyshire and Derby City SACRE’s report 2022.


Steve Ford gave a brief overview of what was contained within the report including the introduction from the Chairs of both SACREs and was also delighted to announce that RE Today Services had worked closely again with Derbyshire SACRE and for the first time Derby SACRE to produce the 2020-2025 Joint Derbyshire and Derby Agreed Syllabus


Following discussion, it was agreed to make a number of minor amendments to the report before circulating to members to offer the opportunity for final comment with a view to circulating the final report to all schools in the county and city in September.


RESOLVED to note the report


Course and Conference Programme


Contained within the Annual report were the future training proposals form Derbyshire and Derby SACREs 2022-23. These would be delivered to teachers in Derbyshire and Derby, through RE Today Services.


It was also agreed that clearer advice and guidance was required by schools in terms of Collective Worship and having discussed the good work being done by Sandwell Councill, it was agreed that The Chairman and Steve Ford would look to meet with Sandwell to see it this could be something that could be adapted for Derbyshire and Derby. If this was the case then training could be rolled out.


RESOLVED to approve the training proposals for 2022-23.


Future of SACRE


Fiona Moss, RE Today Services, attended the meeting and provided members with a presentation on what the future held for SACREs.


In conclusion, it was generally agreed that the future of SACRE’s was uncertain and that over the coming months Derbyshire and Derby City SACRE’s needed to open discussions on what the way forward was and more detailed work carried out in relation to succession planning though it was felt vitally important that someone with local knowledge was required to carry this forward with the ongoing support of RE Today Services.




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