Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Matlock. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for absence To receive apologies for absence (if any) Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Athwal, Bull, Collins, A Foster, Greenhalgh, Musson, Nelson, Woods and Yates. |
Declarations of interest To receive declarations of interest (if any) Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
Chairman's announcements Minutes: The Chairman expressed congratulations to Childrens Services staff responsible for children in care or at risk of harm for the attainment of ‘good’ in all five gradings of the key areas in a recent inspection.
On a sadder note, he referred to the death of ex-councillor David Bookbinder in December 2023. Tributes were received and a period of reflective silence was observed.
Finally he informed the meeting that he had agreed to vary the order of business and confirmed that the Annual Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel would be heard as the first item of business after Petitions. |
To confirm the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 29 November and 7 December 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: On the motion of Councillor B Lewis, duly seconded, it was
To confirm, as a correct record, the minutes of the meetings of Council held on 29 November and 7 December 2023. |
Report of the Leader of the Council and Members' questions To consider the report of the Council Leader and Members' questions on the report Minutes: The Leader expressed his thanks to the staff for their hard work and commitment over the December and January period in response to the various storms and weather events in Derbyshire.
There had been ten named storms now through the county and each one had brought its own particular impacts on infrastructure and people’s lives and their homes and these members of staff along with colleagues at the Districts and Boroughs and the emergency services should be commended for their continued hard work and dedication.
No questions were raised. |
To consider public questions (if any) Minutes: Question from Mr D Ingham to Councillor S Spencer, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Budget
“I’m acutely concerned regarding the Council’s finances and Council Tax increase proposals for many people. ?All steps should be taken to secure increased Central Government funding where appropriate.
I’m uncertain if Council quarterly performance metrics are taken into account externally for such decision making. Many of the current performance metrics (Quarter 2) are recorded as “Strong” or “Good”. However, after reviewing past reports, outcomes in numerous cases are because targets have been lowered. If adjusted back to originally set targets, current actual performance would actually fall below these levels.
It would appear to those on the outside targets are currently being exceeded, but only because certain targets have been lowered. Wouldn’t the case for increased Government funding be better supported and served by reversing those previously lowered targets, in order to demonstrate the reality of current underperformance despite all best intent, which will be underfunding related in many cases?”
Councillor Spencer responded as follows:
“I just want to assure you that over recent months Councillor Lewis at a national level has been campaigning for further funding from Central Government on behalf of this Authority and the wider local authorities across the country as the Vice-Chairman of the CCN and the financial spokesman and I likewise have been doing the same locally. That will continue and will be the case moving forward.
With regard tothe performance information you mentioned, well let me start with the local government mechanism for funding local authorities. I think it is widely recognised, Mr Ingham, that the mechanism is out of date and not now fit for purpose. I think there needs to be an ongoing debate with representatives of the CCN and Local Government Authority on that particular issue and that will continue. We for many years have been campaigning for multi-year settlements and a consistent way of budgeting moving forward.
With regard to the targets we are far more transparent and have been over the last two years than we ever have been before with regard to targets, information which is set aside with regard to the financial position of the Council and the detail that supports that with performance targets. We set those performance targets in line with neighbouring authorities and data that is provided for us at a national level and they are adjusted accordingly. They change and they are monitored throughout the year, Mr Ingham, please be assured, as you know because you have been attending those meetings so please have my assurances those will continue to be monitored and we will continue to lobby for further funding from Central Government with regard to the challenges the Authority faces.”
Mr Ingham asked the following supplementary question:
“Having looked at the reports again and given targets appear sort of centred around what Council considers it can deliver and what is considered to be appropriate rather than what is actually an ideal situation with adequate funding ... view the full minutes text for item 6/24 |
Petitions To receive petitions (if any) Minutes: None received. |
Annual Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel PDF 228 KB Minutes: Mr Peter Clay, Chairman of the Independent Remuneration Panel introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that presented the annual report of the Council’s Independent Remuneration Panel following its consideration by the Governance, Ethics and Standards Committee.
On the motion of Councillor S Spencer, duly seconded it was
1) Note the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel and accept the recommendations contained in the report;
2) Agree to:
(a) The application of the pay award in relation to Members' Allowances for 2023/24 as detailed in the report and approves the amended schedule of Members’ Allowances for 2023/24 as attached at Annex A to the Independent Remuneration Panel’s report;
(b) The schedule of Members' Allowances for 2024/25 as attached at Annex B to the Independent Remuneration Panel’s report;
(c) The introduction of a new rate of special responsibility allowance to be paid to co-opted Independent Members of the Audit Committee to be set at £2,000 per annum; and
(d) Make various changes to the wording of the Members Allowances Scheme for 2024/25 as detailed at Annex C to the Panel’s report.
3) Authorise the Monitoring Officer to make appropriate amendments to the Constitution to reflect any changes to the Members’ Allowances Scheme agreed. |
Reserves Position and Reserves Policy PDF 255 KB Minutes: The Director of Finance and ICT introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that requested Council to note the current and forecast positions for both General and Earmarked Reserves and the updated Reserves Policy.
On the motion of Councillor S Spencer, duly seconded it was
RESOLVED to note:
1) The current position on Earmarked Reserves;
2) The details of the amounts to be released from Earmarked Reserved balances to the General Reserve;
3) That the £31.803m released from Earmarked Reserves is expected to be fully required to mitigate the forecast 2023-24 overspend, with the balance being funded from the Revenue Contributions to Capital Expenditure Earmarked Reserve held to support revenue budget management, and so ensure that the General Reserve balance remains at a minimum level; and
4) The updated Reserves Policy at Appendix Five to the report. |
Budget Consultation Results PDF 610 KB Minutes: The Director of Finance and ICT introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that enabled Council to consider the outcome of the Council’s budget consultation exercises in the formulation of its budgetary proposals in relation to the Revenue Budget for 2024-25.
On the motion of Councillor S Spencer, duly seconded it was
To note the views of consultation respondents in relation to the Revenue Budget for 2024-25. |
Revenue Budget Report 2024-25 PDF 2 MB Minutes: The Director of Finance and ICT introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that proposed a Revenue Budget and Council Tax for 2024-25.
On the motion of Councillor S Spencer, duly seconded and in accordance with the Local Authority (Standing Orders)(England)(Amendment) Regulations 2014 a recorded vote was taken as follows:
For the motion:
Councillors Ainsworth, Ashton, Atkin, Barron, Cupit, A Dale, Flatley, Ford, M Foster, Gourlay, Grooby, Hart, Hickton, Hobson, Iliffe, Kemp, King, Lewis, Major, Moss, Murphy, Parkinson, Patten, Renwick, Siddle, Smith, Spencer, Sutton, Swann, Taylor, Wharmby, Wilson and Woolley.
Against the motion:
Councillors Bingham, Burfoot, Fordham, Kinsella, Niblock and Rose.
Councillors Allen, Bryan, Clarke, C Dale, Dixon, George, Gillott, Hayes, Haynes, Innes, Mihaly and Ramsey.
1) Note the details of the Autumn Statement 2023, Local Government Finance Settlement and other announcements as outlined in sections 3.3 and 3.4 of the report;
2) Note the Government’s expectations about Council Tax levels for 2024-25 outlined in section 3.5 of the report;
3) Approve the precepts as outlined in Section 3.5 and Appendix Four of the report;
4) Approve that billing authorities are informed of Council Tax levels arising from the budget proposals as outlined in Section 3.5 and Appendix Four of the report;
5) Approve the contingency to cover non-standard inflation as outlined in Section 3.7 of the report and that the contingency be allocated by the Director of Finance & ICT, as S151 Officer, once non-standard inflation has been agreed;
6) Approve the service pressure items identified in Section 3.8 and Appendix Five of the report;
7) Approve the increase to budgets for undeliverable prior year savings proposals as outlined in Section 3.9 of the report;
8) Approve the level and allocation of budget savings as outlined in Section 3.10 and Appendix Six of the report;
9) Note the comments of the Director of Finance & ICT, as S151 Officer, about the robustness of the estimates and adequacy of the reserves as outlined in Section 3.11 of the report;
10) Note the details of the Council’s consultation activity as outlined in Section 4 of the report;
11) Approve the Council Tax requirement of £410,111,128 which is calculated as follows:
12) Approve the use of the Revenue Contributions to Capital Expenditure Earmarked Reserve to provide one-off support to the 2024-25 Revenue Budget; and
13) Authorise the Director of Finance & ICT, as S151 Officer, ... view the full minutes text for item 11/24 |
Capital Programme Approvals, Treasury Management and Capital Strategies for 2024-25 PDF 777 KB Minutes: The Director of Finance and ICT introduced a report , which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that sought approval for proposals in relation to the Capital Starts Programme and the Treasury Management, Investment and Capital Strategies.
On the motion of Councillor S Spencer, duly seconded it was
1) Approve the new Capital Starts Programme as set out in Appendix Two of the report and approve the procurement and award of contracts which support the delivery of the Capital Programme. All contract awards will then be subject to approval by Executive Directors (via an Executive Director Report) under the relevant Departmental Scheme of Delegation;
2) Approve the detailed Planned Asset Maintenance Programme for 2024-25 as set out in Appendix Three of the report;
3) Adopt the Treasury Management Strategy for 2024-25 as set out in Appendix Four of the report;
4) Adopt the Investment Strategy for 2024-25 as set out in Appendix Five of the report;
5) Adopt the Capital Strategy for 2024-25 as set out in Appendix Six of the report;
6) Adopt the Minimum Revenue Provision Statement for 2024-25 as set out in Appendix Seven of the report; and
7) Adopt the application of financing up to 4% of disposal costs associated with land from capital receipts as set out in paragraph 3.7 of the report. |
Council Plan 2024-25 PDF 122 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Managing Director introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that sought approval of the authority’s Council Plan 2024-25.
On the motion of Councillor B Lewis, duly seconded it was
RESOLVED to approve:
1) The authority’s Council Plan for 2024-25 as recommended by Cabinet at the 1 February 2024 meeting; and
2) The Strategic Objectives Implementation Plan 2024-25 as recommended by Cabinet at the 1 February 2024 meeting. |
Elected Member questions PDF 89 KB To consider questions submitted by Elected Members Minutes: Question from Councillor E Fordham to Councillor C Cupit,Cabinet Member for Highway Assets and Transport
“Given the emotional ties and investment from so many people over the bridge locks in Bakewell, can the Council give a public commitment that the solution to the dilemma will be sensitive, in close proximity to the bridge and will ensure no locks are disposed of? Can the council consider progressing a scheme that is comprised public metal framed hearts whereby existing locks can be affixed and to which future locks could be added?”
Councillor Cupit responded as follows:
“Both Highways’ officers and I fully recognise that this is a sensitive and emotive topic and that locks have been placed on the bridge sometimes in celebration but also sadly sometimes in commemoration of loved ones. We also recognise the huge importance of engaging and communicating with the public on these works that we have to do. Equally, I think as was recognised by a recent Derbyshire Life article the future of this issue does divide local opinion and we have received representations on both perspectives and about a variety of issues related to the bridge.
As many will know, but just for the benefit of the Chamber, we have to carry out maintenance works on the bridge which are planned for later this year now which will mean that the locks on the bridge do need to be removed and cannot be reattached. When the works have a confirmed date we have committed to provide several months’ advance notice of this and to communicate it as widely as we can so people can remove their locks if they do want to. Equally we will try and organise a storage period for the collection of any existing locks for any who wish to.
In terms of the future of any future locks that aren’t collected, as well as future ones, we are looking at the possibility of a lock tree or similar. Again I know there are mixed views on this but we are looking at the options and I am happy to reassure you of that. We will discuss these locally when it becomes clearer in terms of location possibilities, so whilst I can’t commit to a specific future scheme here today I hope this does reassure Councillor Fordham we will look at all the options. We will be clear on advance communications and updates because we do appreciate this is an emotive issue and we will engage with the local member, community and stakeholders on future options. I know it is something that I have already discussed with Councillor Sutton several times.
Councillor Fordham asked the following supplementary question:
“Having heard that answer this is a disproportionately emotive issue to those for whom it matters. I understand it is easy to dislike the locks, to hate the locks, to resent the locks, but for those who have placed them there in some context (and I have two constituents for whom this is literally ... view the full minutes text for item 14/24 |