Additional documents:
RESOLVED to approve:
1) The changes to the charging policy for people receiving Adult Social Care support in the community, as detailed in the recommended option 2 outlined in the report;
2) The revised Adult Social Care charging contribution policy for people receiving Adult Social Care support in the community to apply from 15 July 2024;
3) The procurement through G-Cloud for an external specialist provider to undertake the financial assessments at an approximate cost of £200k; and
4) The decision not to apply the 2024/2025 uplifts in April 2024 at an initial loss of income to the Council of approximately £142,000.
Councillor N Hoy introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting in relation to the charging policy for local residents in receipt of Adult Social Care in the community.
RESOLVED to approve:
1) The changes to the charging policy for people receiving Adult Social Care support in the community, as detailed in the recommended option 2 outlined in the report;
2) The revised Adult Social Care charging contribution policy for people receiving Adult Social Care support in the community to apply from 15 July 2024;
3) The procurement through G-Cloud for an external specialist provider to undertake the financial assessments at an approximate cost of £200k; and
4) The decision not to apply the 2024/2025 uplifts in April 2024 at an initial loss of income to the Council of approximately £142,000.