82 Proposal to Establish an Edge of Care and Prevention Service PDF 186 KB
Additional documents:
1) Approve the creation of an Edge of Care and Prevention service within children’s services, specifically focused on edge of care and prevention support, as part of the Council’s strategic objective to improve outcomes for children and young people through early intervention and prevention;
2) Approve the investment of £330,000 for the first six months within this financial year and £660,000 for the following financial year from the Supporting Families Reserve, enabling the Edge of Care and Prevention model to be recruited to and implemented from October 2023; and
3) Support the development of the service and keep oversight of the impact through an interim report, which will be provided to Cabinet in the form of the first full-year evaluation.
Councillor A Dale introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, seeking approval to create an Edge of Care and Prevention service within Children’s Services.
1) Approve the creation of an Edge of Care and Prevention service within children’s services, specifically focused on edge of care and prevention support, as part of the Council’s strategic objective to improve outcomes for children and young people through early intervention and prevention;
2) Approve the investment of £330,000 for the first six months within this financial year and £660,000 for the following financial year from the Supporting Families Reserve, enabling the Edge of Care and Prevention model to be recruited to and implemented from October 2023; and
3) Support the development of the service and keep oversight of the impact through an interim report, which will be provided to Cabinet in the form of the first full-year evaluation.