83 Health and Care Act 2022 Cap on Care Costs and Co-Funding Policy PDF 239 KB
Additional documents:
1) Approve the programme of formal consultation for a period of 12 weeks on the three options concerning the proposal to update and redesign the current Co-Funding Charging Policy;
2) Approve the programme of formal consultation for a period of 12 weeks on the Disability Related Expenditure process; and
3) Receive a further report following the conclusion of the consultation process, including an updated Equality Impact Analysis.
Councillor N Hoy introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, seeking authorisation to begin consultation on changing the charging policy for local residents in receipt of Adult Social Care Support in the community.
1) Approve the programme of formal consultation for a period of 12 weeks on the three options concerning the proposal to update and redesign the current Co-Funding Charging Policy;
2) Approve the programme of formal consultation for a period of 12 weeks on the Disability Related Expenditure process; and
3) Receive a further report following the conclusion of the consultation process, including an updated Equality Impact Analysis.