117 Childrens Home Refurbishment Programme PDF 536 KB
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Councillor J Patten introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, seeking Cabinet approval for an alternative method to deliver the refurbishment of some Childrens Homes to what had been previously agreed.
1) Approve the additional Capital Budget requirement of £1.250m which will be funded by borrowing as set out in paragraph 4.14 of the report;
2) Approve the current identified revenue and capital totalling £4.686M to be utilised against the purchase, building and works of the proposed alternative assets to replace, Solomon, Fairview and Glenholme:
• Solomon, replacement purchase and works - £1.3m
• Fairview, replacement purchase and works - £1.85m
• Glenholme, new builds - £2.03m;
3) Approve the purchase of a property to replace Solomon to a maximum amount of £0.7m;
4) Approve the purchase of a property to replace Fairview to a maximum amount of £0.5m;
5) Authorise spending on refurbishments works total estimate costs
• Replacement Solomon works - £0.6m; and
6) Authorise spending on refurbishments works total estimate costs
• Replacement Fairview works - £1.35m.