Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
a)To inform Cabinet of the outcomes of the Consultation
regarding the Proposals to implement new eligibility criteria for
Derbyshire County Council’s community alarm only legacy
clients (those not impacted by previous eligibility criteria
changes in November 2019)
b)To inform Cabinet of the outcome of the Equality Impact
c)To make recommendations about the preferred course of
1) Note the outcomes of the full report on the consultation responses received and the detailed analysis of the feedback in Appendix 2 of the report, and the Equality Impact Analysis (EIA) in Appendix 3 of the report.
2) Approve the implementation of new eligibility criteria for the provision of Derbyshire County Council community alarm only clients, to focus on supporting adults with an identified health and social care need in accordance with the duties of sections 2 and 18 of the Care Act 2014, as set out in sections 4.16 of the report.
Report author: Natalie Davidson
Publication date: 27/07/2023
Date of decision: 27/07/2023
Decided at meeting: 27/07/2023 - Cabinet
Effective from: 04/08/2023
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