Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To inform Cabinet of the response to the consultation on
proposals for the Council’s review of voluntary and community
sector (VCS) recurring grants, the outcome of the Equality Impact
Assessment and make recommendations on taking the review
1) Note the results of the public consultation which took place between 23 December 2021 and 24 March 2022;
2) Note the impact of the proposals as set out in the Equalities Impact Assessment attached at Appendix 4 to the report;
3) Approve the proposal outlined in section 4.5 of the report that agrees that the Council adopts the principle of no longer supporting the award of grant funding to any organisation in the future without a fixed or scheduled end date except for in exceptional circumstances;
4) Approve the proposal outlined in section 4.5 of the report and agrees that the Council will no longer provide grant funding for the activities to which the recurring grants currently relate, but instead commission identified activity where appropriate;
5) Approve the criteria for grant reviews outlined in section 4.5 of the report, to be used in assessments which will determine whether funding should be secured in the future through commissioning; and
6) Approve plans outlined in section 4.7 of the report to take forward the review and allow a minimum period of four weeks for recurring grant recipients to submit a written representation outlining their position in relation to confirmed pathway, before a final decision is made.
Report author: Simon Pape
Publication date: 28/07/2022
Date of decision: 28/07/2022
Decided at meeting: 28/07/2022 - Cabinet
Effective from: 05/08/2022
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