Decision details

Performance Monitoring and Revenue Outturn 2022-23

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To provide Cabinet with a report on Council Plan performance and to set out the Council’s final revenue outturn position for 2022-23, identify significant variations from the final net budget and identify commitments already agreed against the underspend, together with proposals for the further use of underspends. To also identify the impact of the 2022-23 outturn on future years and any action proposed. The report also sets out the Council’s Earmarked Reserves position.




1)    Note and agree the Council Plan performance and the revenue outturn position for 2022-23;


2)    Note the position on General and Earmarked Reserves;


3)    Approve the allocation of underspend amounts and commitments to Portfolios as set out in paragraphs 4.40 and 4.41 of the report;


4)    Approve the release of the sums of £3.750m from the Business Development and Economic Recovery earmarked reserve, £1.000m from the Business Rates Pool earmarked reserve, £6.407m from the Covid Emergency Grant earmarked reserve and £1.227m from the  Inflation Risks earmarked reserve as set out in paragraph 4.42 of the report;


5)    Approve the allocation of £15.924m to the Budget Management earmarked reserve, from the available underspend and reserves releases detailed in paragraph 4.42 of the report;


6)    Approve contributions to earmarked reserves of £6.358m from the underspend on the Bus Service Improvement Plan grant, £0.801m from the underspend on the Domestic Abuse Capacity Building Fund grant, £0.792m from the underspend on the Syrian Refugee Resettlement grant and £0.069m from the underspend on the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy grant, as detailed in paragraphs 4.32 and 4.35 of the report, to fund future expenditure consistent with the purpose of each respective grant;


7)    Approve that any underspends arising in future financial years on the Bus Service Improvement Plan grant, the Domestic Abuse Capacity Building Fund, the Community Safety Resettlement, the Syrian Refugee Resettlement and the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy grants may be contributed to earmarked reserves to fund future expenditure consistent with the purpose of each respective grant;


8)    Approve the contribution of £0.946m from an unspent service pressure as detailed in paragraph 4.36 of the report to an earmarked reserve to fund expenditure associated with the purchase, conversion and refurbishment of Childrens Homes; and


9)    Approve the transfer of £4.000m for the Carbon Reduction in Maintained Derbyshire Schools from an invest to save scheme to a borrowing scheme as outlined in paragraphs 4.73 and 4.74 of the report.


Report author: Samuel Holmes

Publication date: 27/07/2023

Date of decision: 27/07/2023

Decided at meeting: 27/07/2023 - Cabinet

Effective from: 04/08/2023

Accompanying Documents: