Title: Improvement and Scrutiny Committee Resources - Chairman, Governance, Ethics and Standards Committee - Chairman
Party: Conservative
Division: Linton
District: South Derbyshire
Correspondence address:
Derbyshire County Council
County Hall
Bus. phone: 01629 535650
Mobile: 07970 741687
Email: Stuart.Swann@derbyshire.gov.uk
Download Councillor Stuart Swann contact details as VCard
Personal Information
I was elected to Derbyshire County Council, representing Swadlincote South Division which includes the community of Church Gresley, in May 2017.
Reasons for becoming a Councillor
As a local resident who cares passionately about the community, I aim to provide local people with a strong voice at the County Council and to ensure all residents of the Swadlincote South Division are represented well on matters that are important locally.