Councillor Richard Iliffe

Profile image for Councillor Richard Iliffe

Party: Conservative

Division: Heanor Central

District: Amber Valley

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
Derbyshire County Council
County Hall

Bus. phone:  01629 535650

Mobile:  07970 741509


Download Councillor Richard Iliffe contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

Personal information

I originally worked in commercial banking and finance, working as a credit broker until graduating to a National Bank, where I worked as an Underwriter for several years. Eventually I became the Area Director for a finance house in the East Midlands, with a team of local members based in the area. Upon retiring, I entered Local Government and politics through the local member for my ward, who retired and recommended and supported me in the role. I was subsequently elected for the ward and I am serving my second term of office as a Borough Member.


I am on several Committees and a former Mayor. I have lived in the ward all my life, including being born here, I have been married for 36 years and have 3 children. I was elected to DCC and hold various posts within the Council, including being a member of the Foster Panel and sitting on the Regulatory – Planning Committee.


My hobbies are mainly outdoor pursuits, including walking and gardening, helped through being a member of the National Trust. I have an interest in local history and local historic properties, alongside holidays and travel of all kinds. Leisure time and family occasions with the grandchildren is always a great pleasure for all of us.


Reasons for becoming a Councillor

I chose to become a Councillor as the work I was involved in brought me into contact with local communities, and I hoped I would be able to provide help through my knowledge and experiences. Initially involved at a Parish level, I became a member of the Local Task Group, helping to resolve and promote issues of conflict in the local area.


I was elected to the Borough Council two terms ago and I believe my input is felt locally in matters of the way our community works together to the interests of all. I am able to help and assist the five Parishes in my ward to deal with day to day problems and assist in their dealings with Borough and County matters, advising them of their options and helping seek resolution.

