Issue details

Active Travel England Grant Acceptance and Proposed Spend Programme

To seek Cabinet approval to formally accept the 2024-2025 Active Travel Capability Fund grant of  £427,056.00 provided under Section 31 of the Local Government Act, 2003 to support the active travel master planning programme.
To seek Cabinet’s approval to launch a range of public engagement activity to further develop the Active Travel Master programme.
To seek Cabinet’s approval to delegate to the Executive Director - Place, in association with the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment, the authority to amend or modify the Active Travel Masterplan programme as required, if it remains consistent with the Council’s objectives.
To seek Cabinet’s approval to delegate authority to award future contracts following procurement activities referenced in this report to the Executive Director - Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment.
That Cabinet notes the completion of the DVT feasibility study and approve the forward plan for future development of the trail as detailed in this report.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects 2 or more electoral divisions;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/10/2024

Improvement and Scrutiny Committee: Places;

Decision due: 9 Jan 2025 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment

Lead director: Executive Director - Place

Department: Place

Contact: Joanna Jackson Email:, Alan Marsden Email:, Daniel McCrory, Sustainable Travel Team - Team Leader Email:


Agenda items


  • Active Travel England Grant Acceptance and Proposed Spend Programme