Issue details

Climate Change Performance Reporting - 2022-2023 Q1

The purpose of this report is to present the Climate Change Programme Dashboard for Quarter 1 2022-2023. The Dashboard has been developed to provide details on performance against delivery of the Council’s Climate Change Strategy: Achieving Net Zero (2021-2025) (the ‘Strategy’). The core audience for the Dashboard is the Council’s Climate Change and Environment Programme Board (CCEPB).

The report has been developed to provide assurance to the Improvement and Scrutiny Committee for Climate Change, Biodiversity and Carbon Reduction on the role of the CCEPB in monitoring this performance, and to assist the Committee in fulfilling its role of providing oversight and undertaking scrutiny of the climate change programme’s governance procedures and processes.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Decision due: 19 Sep 2022 by Improvement and Scrutiny Committee - Climate Change, Biodiversity and Carbon Reduction

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Strategic Leadership, Culture, Tourism and Climate Change

Lead director: Executive Director - Place

Department: Corporate Services & Transformation

Agenda items


  • Climate Change Performance Reporting - 2022-2023 Q1