The purpose of this report is to provide an update to the
Improvement and Scrutiny Committee for Climate Change, Biodiversity
and Carbon Reduction on the climate change work being undertaken
with the district and borough councils through Vision
Caroline The report focusses on the work being undertaken through
the Vision Derbyshire Climate Change Officers Group and does not
cover the work undertaken by the Climate Change and Planning
Officers Sub-Group, as an update on that group’s work was
presented to the Committee on 14 February 2022.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Decision due: 25 Jul 2022 by Improvement and Scrutiny Committee - Climate Change, Biodiversity and Carbon Reduction
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Strategic Leadership, Culture, Tourism and Climate Change
Lead director: Executive Director - Place
Department: Place
Contact: Caroline Toplis, Programme Manager - Climate Change Email:, Joanna Jackson Email: