ePetition details

Save local Charities and Community Organisations (EPET403)

We the undersigned petition the council to We ask the Council to debate in full any proposed cuts to discretionary funding and consider the significant impact to communities if services are reduced.

Derbyshire County Council is proposing cuts to discretionary funding. This means that key local charities and community organisations which support the health and wellbeing of residents are in danger of closure. At risk are services supporting mental health provision, befriending and lunch clubs, day centres, funding for community groups and important support for charities.
Thousands of people who live life with poor physical and mental health, learning difficulties, loneliness and isolation will be left without vital support. Particularly affected will be older people, marginalised communities and the most vulnerable in our society.
Please sign the petition to voice your concern for the lives of our neighbours.

Started by: James Starky (Derbyshire Voluntary Action)

This ePetition ran from 20/06/2024 to 26/08/2024 and has now finished.

561 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

This petition reached 561 signatures and was referred to the Cabinet Member for Health and Communities.