ePetition details

Support to footpath between the Forge Manor Estate and schools on Buxton Road (Chinley) (EPET413)

We the undersigned petition the council to to review the position of not adopting the road bridge between Blackbrook drive and Hadfield drive as not doing so is preventing a safer footpath between the Forge Manor Estate and the schools on Buxton Road (Chinley) from being established. The adoption of the bridge and resulting establishment of the footpath (which the developer, Wainhomes is keen to support once bridge adoption is confirmed) would significantly improve the safety of parents, children and other pedestrians walking from the Forge Manor estate into Chinley village and to the schools on Buxton Road (Peak school & Chinley Primary School). Furthermore it would help to reduce the significant congestion and traffic hazards present during school pick up & drop off times. If the adoption of this bridge is a decision which the council are unwilling to agree to, the petition signatories request that the council appreciate the risks associated with not doing so to pedestrians and road users.

For the last few years, the people of Forge Manor, Chinley and the wider area have been lobbying for the construction of a footpath connecting the Forge Manor estate to Buxton Road between the Peak school and Chinley Primary school.

Whilst there are far reaching benefits for this proposal, there are two important safety related benefits which improve safety for both road users and pedestrians.

Green Lane bridge & road
- The footpath would allow pedestrians to walk to Buxton Road from the Forge Manor estate without the need to walk up the bottom of green lane over a narrow road bridge and section of road with fast traffic, limited visibility and no pavement.
- This section of road is a known local accident hotspot and whilst thankfully it is yet to involve a pedestrian, the risk remains whilst all pedestrians are forced to use this road bridge due to a lack of safer alternatives.
- Given the schools on Buxton Road and the number of parents & children walking to school using this route at certain times of days means the risk of a serious or fatal traffic accident (potentially involving children) at these times can be significant. Fortunately, this has not yet occurred, but the provision of a safe alternative (such as an alternative footpath) would significantly mitigate the risk pedestrians and other road users are exposed to.

Chinley primary school parking
- Parking to support the safe drop off and pick up of the children attending Chinley primary school is currently woefully insufficient and the provision of a safe alternative route for parents and children to walk between the Forge Manor Estate will significantly reduce the number of cars doing the school run, helping to alleviate this issue.
- Whilst this will support government initiatives to reduce road traffic and encourage low carbon transport methods, the current pick up / drop off provision carries significant risk for parents dropping children off, the children themselves and other road users which is exacerbated with such congested and uncertain traffic arrangements being a risk to all road users and pedestrians.
- The provision of a safe alternative (such as an alternative footpath) would significantly mitigate the risk road users and pedestrians are exposed to.

Over the last couple of years, people with a vested interest in this project have worked collaboratively and proactively with the local council, Wainhomes and other key stakeholders to give this proposal the best chance of becoming a reality.

Unfortunately, it has now been confirmed that the main item preventing discussions from progressing to allow delivery of the footpath is the council agreeing to the adoption of the road bridge on the Forge Manor estate between Blackbrook drive and Hadfield drive. Once this agreement is in place, Wainhomes have confirmed that they will be able to reengage with discussions to progress the footpath proposals through to delivery.

Over the last couple of years, people with a vested interest in this project have worked collaboratively and proactively with the local council, Wainhomes and other key stakeholders to give this proposal the best chance of becoming a reality.

Unfortunately, it has now been confirmed that the main item preventing discussions from progressing to allow delivery of the footpath is the council agreeing to the adoption of the road bridge on the Forge Manor estate between Blackbrook drive and Hadfield drive. Once this agreement is in place, Wainhomes have confirmed that they will be able to reengage with discussions to progress the footpath proposals through to delivery.

Started by: Lawrence Myatt

This ePetition runs from 23/11/2024 to 09/03/2025.

544 people have signed this ePetition.