ePetition details

Save our care homes (EPET399)

We the undersigned petition the council to Stop the proposal to close the care homes in Derbyshire.

We feel very strongly that DCC’s
Plans to close 11/16 care homes is short sighted, morally reprehensible and cruel.
Not everyone can afford the skyrocketing costs of private care.
Residents will be FORCED to move, causing them massive distress and worry.
Families will be FORCED to travel much greater distances to visit their relatives.
Elderly people will be FORCED to move away from the area many of them have lived in all their lives.

The new proposal focuses on dementia, this is an ever increasing problem, however not all residents of care homes have dementia but they aren’t able to or be safe to live at home. They are not accounted for in the new plans.
Our hospital admissions are blocked because there isn’t enough care home space to move people in to.
This policy attacks some of our most vulnerable members of society and should be STOPPED ??

Started by: Sarah Robson

This ePetition ran from 05/05/2024 to 16/06/2024 and has now finished.

176 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

This petition reached 176 signatures and was referred to the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care.