14/02/2024 - Concessionary Fares Back Office System Replacement

To seek the Cabinet Member’s approval to award the contract for the provision of the Host Operating or Processing System.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Highways, Assets and Transport

Decision due date: 26/03/2024

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Chris Hegarty, Joanna Jackson

Notice of decision: 28/02/2024

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

14/02/2024 - Early Years Block Funding Settlement

To inform Cabinet of the Early Years settlement of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) and the related decisions of the Schools Forum, and to seek approval to the Early Years funding formula for 2024-25.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 14/03/2024

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Eddie Grant, Heather Green, Shelley Kerslake

Notice of decision: 14/02/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

14/02/2024 - Extension of Organics Processing Contracts

To seek Cabinet’s approval to extend the contract for provision of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) services

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 14/03/2024

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Daniel Ayrton, Joanna Jackson

Notice of decision: 24/01/2024

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

14/12/2023 - Regeneration Programme and Investment Pipeline Update

To update Cabinet on the Regeneration Programme and seek approval to priorities for preparation, delivery and resource allocations within a broader Investment Pipeline.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 17/10/2024

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Joanna Jackson, Jim Seymour

Notice of decision: 14/12/2023

Anticipated restriction: Open

18/05/2023 - Update on the Preparation of a New Local Transport Plan

To update Cabinet on the preparation of a new Local Transport Plan for the East Midlands Combined County Authority Area and seek approval to carry out public engagement and consultation to inform Plan development.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 14/03/2024

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Joanna Jackson, Alan Marsden

Notice of decision: 18/05/2023

Anticipated restriction: Open