
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Derby and Derbyshire Annual Casualty Report 2023 ref: 118312/12/202420/12/20240
Signing of the Statements of Common Ground for the Derbyshire and Derby Minerals Local Plan ref: 118006/12/202414/12/20240
Approval to Procure Projects in Addition to the Latest Departmental Forward Plan – Highways Depots ref: 117805/12/202413/12/2024Call-in expired
Community Safety Agreement ref: 117605/12/202413/12/2024Call-in expired
Preparation of Budget 2025-26 ref: 117405/12/202413/12/2024Call-in expired
Performance Monitoring and Budget Monitoring/Forecast Outturn 2024-25 Quarter 2 ref: 117305/12/202413/12/2024Call-in expired
CST177 Microsoft Unified Support ref: 117905/12/202413/12/2024Call-in expired
Capital budget monitoring and forecast as at Quarter 2 2024-25 ref: 117205/12/202413/12/2024Call-in expired
Children's Services SEND Capital Budget (High Needs Provision Capital) Allocations ref: 117705/12/202413/12/2024Call-in expired
Treasury Management Mid-Year Report 2024-25 ref: 117105/12/202413/12/2024Call-in expired
Local Authority Pilot Climate Change Adaptation Reporting to Defra ref: 117005/12/202413/12/2024Call-in expired
Design Services for Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) Consultation Response and Recommendations for the Future ref: 117505/12/202413/12/2024Call-in expired
Improvements to Bus Service 2 Funded by Developer Contributions ref: 116902/12/202410/12/2024Call-in expired