Issue - decisions

Treasury Management Mid-Year Report 2021-22


Cabinet was provided with details of Treasury Management activities during the first half of 2021-22 (to 30 September 2021) and shown the Council’s compliance with the prudential indicators set by Council at its meeting of 3 February 2021, in accordance with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy’s Treasury Management in the Public Services: Code of Practice and Cross-Sectorial Guidance Notes 2017 (the CIPFA Code).


The Council had borrowed and invested substantial sums of money and was exposed to financial risks.  The successful identification, monitoring and control of risk remained central to the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy.  Treasury risk management was conducted within the framework of the CIPFA Code, requiring the Council to approve a treasury management strategy before the start of each financial year and a semi-annual and annual treasury outturn report .


RESOLVED – to note the Treasury Management Mid-Year Report 2021-22 and the Council’s compliance with the prudential indicators set by Council at its meeting of 3February 2021 for 2021-22, in accordance with the Treasury Management in the Public Services: Code of Practice and Cross-Sectorial Guidance Notes 2017.