1) Note and agree the Council Plan performance and the Revenue outturn position for 2023-24;
2) Note the cumulative deficit on the Dedicated Schools Grant at 31 March 2024 as set out in paragraph 4.54 of the report;
3) Note the position on General and Earmarked Reserves;
4) Approve the allocation of underspend amounts and commitments to Portfolios as set out in paragraph 4.59 of the report;
5) Approve the contribution of £0.678m from the Public Transport budget to an Earmarked reserve to fund additional capacity within the SEND Passenger Transport service as detailed in paragraph 4.63 of the report;
6) Approve the contributions to Earmarked reserves of £0.218m Virtual School grant and £0.324m Early Years grant funding as detailed in paragraph 4.64 of the report; and
7) Approve that any underspends arising in future financial years on the Virtual School and Early Years grants may be contributed to an Earmarked reserve to fund future expenditure consistent with the purpose of the respective grants.