Issue - decisions

Amber Valley Health and Wellbeing Partnership change to funding recipient

24/07/2023 - Amber Valley Health and Wellbeing Partnership change to funding recipient

That the Cabinet Member for Health and Communities approves:


a)              The replacement of the previously approved recipient for the Amber Valley Health and Wellbeing Partnership funding (Amber Valley Council) with Amber Valley CVS with effect from 1st August 2023

b)              The transfer of that £99,685.51 to Amber Valley CVS as part of the main locality agreement for 2022-23 to be spent within the 2023-24 financial year.

c)              The transfer of£99,685.51 to Amber Valley CVS as part of the main locality agreement for 2023-24

d)              The transfer of£50,000 to Amber Valley CVS as part of grant expenditure plan for the Contain Outbreak Management Fund for 2023-24 for the extension of the community approach to support the emotional wellbeing of children and young people impacted by the pandemic through effective prevention and promotion strategies.

e)              The transfer of£50,000 to Amber Valley CVS as part of the grant expenditure plan for the Contain Outbreak management Fund for 2024-25 for the extension of the community approach to support the emotional wellbeing of children and young people impacted by the pandemic through effective prevention and promotion strategies.