Call in: Discretionary Grant Funding
Supporting documents:
Callinreport Grants, item 4.
PDF 117 KB
Outcome of the consultation on the cessation of Adult Social Care and Health and Corporate Services and Transformation Discretionary Grant funding, item 4.
PDF 230 KB
Appendix 2 - List of current grants, item 4.
Appendix 3 - Consultation feedback report, item 4.
PDF 307 KB
Appendix 4 - EIA VCS infrastructure, item 4.
PDF 302 KB
Appendix 5 - EIA BME support and consultation, item 4.
PDF 255 KB
Appendix 6 - EIA Specialist advice services, item 4.
PDF 247 KB
Appendix 7 - EIA Befriending, item 4.
PDF 290 KB
Appendix 8 - EIA Social activity grants and luncheon clubs, item 4.
PDF 296 KB
Appendix 9 - EIA BWE & OVOF, item 4.
PDF 252 KB