Agenda item

Erection of a Portal Frame Attenuation Housing to Existing Oxygen Generation Plant and (Retrospective) Erection of a Retaining Wall - Applicant: Ecobat Resources Ltd - Planning Application Code No. CW3/1123/40


An application had been received from Ecobat Resources Ltd for the installation of an acoustic attenuation housing, to be located on a previously consented concrete base, accommodating an oxygen generation plant. The purpose of the development for attenuation housing was to reduce the noise impact of the consented oxygen generation plant. While the housing was located within a waste recycling facility, it did not, itself, contribute to the recycling process, its sole purpose was the reduction of noise. Its installation had not been required by regulation and the oxygen plant can lawfully operate in the absence of the attenuation housing. A retaining wall to the rear of the attenuation housing is sought for retrospectively and would amend the previously consented development of the oxygen generation plant. 



A report on the application by the Executive Director – Place, had been published with the agenda and included details of the site, planning history and the proposed works.


The report also included details of the consultation process, publicity, objections, observations, comments received and commentary on the planning considerations. The application was considered to be in accordance with national and local planning policy and was recommended for approval subject to conditions.


R Sandbach, Principal Planner, gave an oral summary of the main aspects of the proposal, including a presentation of slides showing plans and views of the site.


W Mulvany, the Agent acting on behalf of the applicant, gave a 3 minute  presentation in support of the officer recommendations contained in the report.


Mr J Ward, representing Stanton Action for Environmental Renewal (SAFER) attended the meeting and spoke for 3 minutes, and made a number of observations and raised concerns about expansion at the plant over the last 10 years, related traffic issues with HGVs in the area, and the need for better liaison between the owners and its neighbours and requested that moving forward DCC have officer representation at the Liaison Group between Ecobat and the Parish Council


Mr H Griffith attended the meeting and spoke for 3 minutes and emphasised that this was the biggest lead recycling plant in Europe and how Derbyshire Dales District Council had allowed cumulative development over the years, which was impacting on the local area in terms of noise, light pollution, hazardous waste emissions and road safety.


Planning Officers responded by saying that this application did not relate to increasing operating capacity at the site and only related to the erection of a portal frame attenuation housing to the existing oxygen generation plant, with acoustic cladding which would reduce noise, and the retrospective erection of a retaining wall. In terms of HGV traffic there would be no increase in the area other than during the construction period, and once built it may well reduce the number of vehicles.


Members felt that it would be appropriate for an officer from DCC to attend future liaison meetings and asked if this could be included in the conditions relating to the application.


RESOLVED that planning permission for the development proposed under Application Code No. CW3/1123/40 be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the Executive Director’s report with the addition of an informative note on the consent that DCC be represented at future liaison meetings.




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