Agenda item

Application for the Development of a Lateral Extension to the South-West of the Existing Permitted Operations to Provide the Winning and Working of Minerals, Associated Ancillary Operations and Amended Restoration Scheme at Slinter Top Quarry, Cromford, Derbyshire - Applicant: Slinter Mining Company Limited - Planning Application Code No: CM3/0817/40


An application had been received from Slinter Mining Company Ltd, which sought permission to extend Slinter Top Quarry into 3.9 hectares of land (extraction area 2.5 hectares) immediately south-west of the existing quarry. The proposed extension would involve the extraction of approximately 1.320 million tonnes of mineral and extend the mineral working operations to 2033 with restoration of the whole site completed in 2037. The extension would be worked as a series of benches over four extraction phases using blasting, excavators and a pecker (mechanical hammer), with mobile crushing and screening plant operating within the quarry void.


The existing quarry had permission for the extraction of vein minerals and crushed rock for aggregates, together with the infilling of the void with inert waste material, with extraction required to end in 2021 and restoration required to be completed in or before 2032. It was proposed to amend the restoration of the existing part of the site and to reduce the amount of imported inert waste to accommodate the restoration of the extension area. The final restoration phase would see the completion of infilling and the return of the existing quarry area to agricultural use whilst the extension area would be restored to nature conservation.


A report on the application by the Executive Director – Place, had been published with the agenda and included details of the site, planning history and the proposed works.


The report also included details of the consultation process, publicity, objections, observations, comments received and commentary on the planning considerations. The application was considered to be in accordance with national and local planning policy and was recommended for approval subject to conditions.


D Mitchell, Principal Planner, gave an oral summary of the main aspects of the proposal, including a presentation of slides showing plans and views of the site.


A Perry, the Agent acting on behalf of the applicant, gave a 3 minute  presentation in support of the officer recommendations contained in the report. He outlined that this was a small but unique site, and it was proven that the demand for vein minerals far outstripped the supply. No objections had been received from the statutory consultees and the company was happy to commit to the conditions laid out.


Mr R Grover, a local resident, attended the meeting and spoke for 3 minutes. He made a number of observations and raised concerns on behalf of himself and a number of other local residents with regard to the proposed application. He contested that the previous plan was flawed and the measures in place for limiting noise were not strict or appropriate. The noises were in the high category and a number of local residents had been badly affected and were having to shut windows to be able to concentrate to work. The bunds had not been properly erected nor were they of the appropriate size.


Mrs V Beardsley briefly addressed the committee and stated that no noise assessments had been taken on Blackmoor Road, Bonsall.


Planning Officers responded by stating that 70 decibels (dBA[90]) of noise output was the maximum permitted for temporary works as set out in national Planning Policy and explained that it was not unusual for mineral sites to include attenuation works and bunds. Criteria for assessment of noise for normal working of mineral sites was also set out in Planning Policy, which was followed, and the proposed conditions would enable the Council to require monitoring of noise at affected locations to take place should the application be granted. 


Councillor Murphy expressed his concerns that there had been a lot of complaints over noise from the site on many occasions. He sought reassurance as to what redress residents would have should the noise levels suggested, prove to be much higher than anticipated.


Planning Officers confirmed that there was a draft condition for a noise management plan included in the recommendation, which would have to be approved. This would involve the Environmental Health Officer at Derbyshire Dales District Council and ultimately should the operator not be in compliance it could be required to stop working until the issue was satisfactorily resolved.  


RESOLVED that planning permission for the development proposed under Application Code NoCM3/0817/40 be granted subject to:


(a) An agreement being entered into by the appropriate parties under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure planning obligations considered by the Executive Director – Place and the Director of Legal and Democratic Services, to make satisfactory provision for the implementation of the measures referred to in the Slinter Top Botanical Survey Report, Biodiversity Gain Assessment and Biodiversity Strategy submitted on behalf of the applicant (as revised February 2024); and


(b) a set of conditions substantially in the form of the draft conditions  detailed in the Executive Director’s report.


Supporting documents: