Agenda item

Member Question and Answer Session


Councillor Moesby asked what if any impact do the introduction of the Right Care, Right Person model and the government announcement that all “all crime should be investigated” have on the Police and Crime Plan and the future of service delivery?


The PCC responded by saying that in relation to the Right Care, Right Person model was aimed at making sure the right agency deals with health related calls, instead of the police being the default first responder as is currently the case in most areas. It has been shown to improve outcomes, reduce demand on all services, and make sure the right care was being delivered by the right person .Officers in Derbyshire often attended health related incidents when the Police were not the right organisation to deal with these incidents.

It was noted that call handlers would receive training to use the model to triage incoming calls and decide on an appropriate course of action, including whether to deploy police officers or not.

The triage process was expected to result in officers attending far fewer calls, while identifying those where there is still a need for the police to be deployed, such as where health and social care partners need help, such as with patients who are violent or have assaulted healthcare staff or clinicians.

It was agreed that figures would be provided on how many calls had been diverted to other services

In relation to all crime being investigated. the PCC commented that she didn’t anticipate any issues in Derbyshire and the force would always ensure that that lines of enquiry were appropriate and proportionate.


The Chair commented that she had been invited to the Victim of Crimes Conference earlier in the year and had found it very useful and asked if Panel members could be invited to future events ?


The PCC commented that this would not present a problem if numbers could be accommodated.


Councillor Rhind commented that he had heard reports of Officers turning off their bodycams when attending incidents.


The PCC responded by saying that she was not aware of any reported incidents in Derbyshire although there were times due to GDPR issues that cameras had to be turned off. She was happy with the level of scrutiny in Derbyshire around this issue.


Councillor Gillott asked if the Commissioner wished to comment on the potential role of the Mayor in taking over the Governance role of the Police and Crime Commissioner and it time the potential proposal to merge Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire into one force ?


The PCC had no comment at this time


Councillor Potter had recently attended a fire authority meeting where the impact of fire fighters being exposed to carbonaceous materials as a result of attending fire incident.


My question would be what actions are the Police are taking to ensure their staff are safe from contamination at incidents, as police officers they tend to be in the hot zone during any fire incident.


The PCC felt that she was unable to answer that question but would liaise with the Chief Constable and provide a response.