Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.


Information about Cabinet

Our Cabinet is responsible for many of day-to-day decisions.

What does Cabinet do?

The Cabinet usually meets every 4 weeks and makes decisions about our policies and budgets.

Any decisions it wants to make which are outside of the budget or policy framework must be referred to full council for discussion by all councillors.

Cabinet also works closely with Executive Directors to agree policy for different services and departments.

We publish a list of key decisions. This shows the key decisions Cabinet is likely to take in the next month. 

Who makes up the Cabinet?

The Cabinet is made up of 9 councillors and led by the Council Leader.

Come along to a meeting of Cabinet

Our Cabinet meetings are open to the public and you are welcome to come along and view the proceedings.

It's unlikely you'll be able to speak at this meeting but in special circumstances you may be invited to do so by the chair.

Contact us to find out more about attending a Cabinet meeting, email: