The Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Board focuses on prevention and
the wider determinants of health. The work of the Board aims to
reduce health inequalities and improve health and wellbeing across
all stages of life by working in partnership with our
Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Board must undertake the following
statutory functions by:
Preparing and publishing a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
of current and future health and social care needs and ensuring it
informs the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Integrated Care
Preparing and publishing a Joint Local Health and Wellbeing
Strategy (JLHWS) for Derbyshire.
Promoting integrated working in planning, commissioning and
delivery of services to improve the health and wellbeing of the
population of Derbyshire, including the use of Section 75
Receiving and responding to the plan of the Integrated Care
Preparing and publishing a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment to
assess the need for pharmaceutical services in
Expressing an opinion when an application is received from
pharmacies in Derbyshire where they wish to consolidate or
The committee is made up of:
Cabinet Member with Executive responsibility for Public Health
(Chair) (Statutory)
Chief Executive Officer for Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care
Board (Statutory)
Non-Executive Director for Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care
Board (Vice chair) (Statutory)
Senior officer with statutory responsibility for Adult Social Care,
Derbyshire County Council (Statutory)
Senior officer with statutory responsibility for Children’s
Services, Derbyshire County Council (Statutory)
Director of Public Health, Derbyshire County Council
One representative from Healthwatch Derbyshire
Cabinet Member with responsibility for Adult Social Care
Cabinet Member with responsibility for Children’s Social
Chair of 3D to represent the voluntary sector
Police and Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire
One senior officer representative from Derbyshire
One senior officer representative from Derbyshire Fire and Rescue
One elected member holding a relevant Cabinet portfolio or
committee chairperson from each district or borough council in