Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield S40 1LP
No. | Item |
Chair's Introduction To receive welcome and introduction from the Chair of the Investment Committee |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest |
Public Participation Members of the public may ask questions if they have given notice and provided the text of the question to Governance Services ( no later than 5pm on Monday 23 September 2024 and include the name and address of the questioner and the name of the Member to whom the questioner would like the question put.
The total time set aside for such questions and answers will be limited to 30 minutes with no extension of time, and questions not dealt with in this time will be dealt with by written responses. |
Introduction to EMCCA and Investment Committee To support the Committee Membership and the public on understanding the role and remit of the Investment Committee, officers will deliver a presentation to provide an introduction to the East Midlands Combined County Authority and the role and remit of the Investment Committee at the Committee meeting.
A copy of the terms of reference of the Committee is attached in support. |
Developing an Investment Pipeline Engagement on process for developing an EMCCA Investment Pipeline and interim process for approval of business cases. |
Investment Overview Overview, test and challenge of existing investment activity. |
Single Assurance Framework Proposals Engagement on proposals for a Single Assurance Framework. |
Thematic Drivers: Role in supporting the Inclusive Growth Commission To discuss role of the committee in supporting the work of the Inclusive Growth Commission |
Brownfield Housing Fund investment decisions To discuss decisions on projects to receive funding from BHF budget for 2024/25, delegated to the Mayor at EMCCA Board meeting in June 2024 |
Initial East Midlands Investment Zone Decisions To note the progress of the East Midlands Investment Zone (EMIZ) and the “Sprint” process that is currently taking place. |