Venue: Council Chamber, Broxtowe Borough Council, Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, NG9 1AB
No. | Item |
Welcome and Mayoral Announcements |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest |
Minutes of the Combined County Authority held on 20 March 2024 |
Membership of the EMCCA (Board) a) Note the members and substitute members appointed by constituent councils to the Combined County Authority for 2024-25 b) Note the members and substitute members appointed by nominating bodies to the Combined County Authority for 2024-25 to represent the District and Borough Councils of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire c) Approve the appointment of David Williams as the Chair of the Business Advisory Board for the remainder of the 2024/25 municipal year d) Approve the appointment of Chris Jenkinson as an Associate Member of the Combined County Authority for the remainder of the 2024/25 municipal year e) Approve the approach to the remaining associate memberships being provided to a representative of Higher Education and Further Education sectors as one, and Voluntary and Community and Social Enterprise – with further advice to the next meeting of the Board following engagement f) Approve the Combined County Authority Calendar of Meetings Additional documents: |
Appointments to the EMCCA Regulatory Committees a) Approve the political balance for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Audit and Governance Committee b) Note the appointment of the Member and substitute Member nominations by constituent councils and nominating bodies to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. c) Note the appointment of the Member and substitute Member nominations by constituent councils and nominating bodies to the Audit and Governance Committee. |
Budget and Policy Framework Items |
AEB Readiness Conditions a) Ratify the Adult Education Budget Readiness Conditions that were submitted to the Department of Education on 31 May 2024 (in line with delegation provided by Board on 20 March 2024). Additional documents: |
Brownfield Housing Fund a) Delegate authority to approve the preferred selection of schemes for the Combined County Authority to meet its Brownfield Housing Fund timetable obligations to DLUHC to the Mayor, in consultation with the four constituent council Lead Members. |
East Midlands Investment Zone a) Note the East Midlands Investment Zone (EMIZ) has completed Gateway 5 and the progress on developing an Annual Delivery plan. b) Approve adoption of EMIZ funding into the EMCCA budget. c) Approve delegation of decisions on initial ‘sprint’ investments to the Mayor, in consultation with Leaders of the four constituent councils. |
Governance Items |
Business Advisory Board Membership and Recruitment a) Approve the revised Terms of Reference for the Business Advisory Board. b) Approve the recruitment process for Business Advisory Board membership. c) Delegate appointments to the Business Advisory Board to the Mayor and Chair of the Business Advisory Board, in consultation with the Appointments Panel. |
Scheme of Allowances a) Consider and approve the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel b) Adopt the East Midlands Combined County Authority Mayor and Members Allowances Scheme Additional documents: |
Constitutional Amendments a) Note amendments to constitution made by Monitoring Officer under delegated authority b) Amend the Officer Employment Procedure Rules c) Amend the Scheme of Delegation |