Venue: Committee Room 2, County Hall, Matlock
Contact: Danny Sunderland Email: or 01629 538357
No. | Item |
To receive declarations of interest (if any) Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To confirm the non-exempt minutes of the meeting held on 22 April 2024 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 22 April 2024 were confirmed as a correct record. |
Managing Director Appraisal Process 2023/24 Minutes: The Committee was informed that in line with the Managing Director Appraisal Process, the annual formal PDR meeting had been completed for the 2023-24 performance year. The formal annual PDR meeting had taken place on 25 March 2024.
The Chairman thanked everyone involved for the work they had undertaken.
RESOLVED that the Committee notes the completion of the Managing Director’s annual formal PDR meeting on 25 March 2024 for the 2023-24 performance year. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee was asked to approve the adoption of the Recruitment and Retention Payments, Additional Duties and Accelerated Pay Progression Policy and to approve the delegation of decisions regarding Additional Duties and Accelerated Pay Progression Payments.
The purpose of this policy was to allow the award of additional remuneration to an individual (Additional Duties, Accelerated Pay Progression, Recommend a Friend payments) or all postholders of job type (e.g. Market Supplement, Welcome and Retention payments) to the council’s standard pay scales. This was to allow greater pay flexibility in order to address recruitment and retention challenges that were having, or were likely to have, a significant impact on service delivery. The policy set out the authorisation level for all additional payments.
Members requested updates when additional payments and market supplements had been approved by officers in order to understand where those pressures were.
RESOLVED that the Committee:
a) Approves the adoption of the Recruitment and Retention Payments, Additional Duties and Accelerated Pay Progressions Policy as attached at Appendix 2 to the report; and
b) Approves the delegation of decisions regarding Additional Duties and Accelerated Pay Progression payments as detailed in the report. |
Grievance Procedure Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee was asked to approve the updates and amendments which had been made to the Grievance Procedure and associated manager guidance following consultation with the joint trade unions and stakeholders.
The updated procedure had been more closely aligned with the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) model with the intention of streamlining the process. The intention remained that where possible grievances were resolved informally, but where this was not possible, there was a two-stage formal procedure. Stage 1 to be considered by an employee’s manager, (where appropriate) and should the employee remain aggrieved, an appeal stage to a more senior manager. Grounds of appeal had been specified and there was also clarification that disagreement with the formal outcome decision was not in itself sufficient grounds for appeal.
Guidance on roles and responsibilities was highlighted.
Consultation with the relevant Trade Unions had been undertaken and they had confirmed that there was nothing within the revised procedure that they did not support.
RESOLVED that the Committee approves and adopts the changes to the Grievance Procedure. |
Officers' Declaration of Interests Policy Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee was provided with an update in relation to the Officers’ Declaration of Interests work which had been undertaken and asked to approve the Policy for inclusion in the Employee Code of Conduct.
The policy proposed the requirements to be placed on officers to disclose interests and the circumstances in which interests of a partner or spouse also required disclosure. It was recommended that the appropriate level of Officer to be covered by this requirement should apply to Officers remunerated at Grade 14 and above.
RESOLVED that the Committee approves the Officers’ Declaration of Interests Policy for inclusion in the Employee Code of Conduct. |