Agenda and minutes

Derbyshire Police and Crime Panel - Thursday, 26 January 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Matlock. View directions

Contact: Ivan Walters  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interest (if any)


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To confirm the non-exempt minutes of the meeting of the Derbyshire Police and Crime Panel held on 17 November 2022.


The minutes of the meeting held on 17 November 2022 were confirmed as a correct record.


To consider a report from the Police and Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire on the Proposed Precept for 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Angelique Foster, Police and Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire presented to the Panel her proposed precept for the forthcoming financial year in accordance with the duty under the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011. The Commissioner informed the Panel of her proposal to issue a precept increase of £15.00 per year to the current Band D precept of £251.60, which would give a Band D precept for 2023-24 of £266.60.


The Commissioner invited Rachel Swann, the Chief Constable to give a presentation to members outlining her Operation Business case for Investment, giving an insight into what a precept increase of £15 would provide.


J Peatling, Chief Finance Officer, Derbyshire Constabulary also provided a presentation to support the report.


The Commissioner was questioned in detail by Panel members with regard to her proposed precept increase and also gave members the opportunity to make comments or ask questions of the Chief Constable and the Finance officer, which were duly noted or answered.




To approve the proposed precept for 2023-24 of the Commissioner for a Band D increase of £15 without qualification or comment.


Interim update on delivery against the Police and Crime Plan including update on Strong Local Policing pdf icon PDF 679 KB


The Police and Crime Commissioner provided the Panel with a summary of the work she had conducted in support of the delivery against the Derbyshire Police and Crime Plan 2021-25, since the last meeting of the Panel on 17 November 2022.


The paper provided an overview of the key work undertaken by the Police and Crime Commissioner in relation to her Police and Crime Plan, between 9 November 2022 and 18 January 2023.


Specifically, the report provided an in-depth summary of the work surrounding the ‘Strong Local Policing’ priority within the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan. This had been the focus of the latest Performance Scrutiny Meeting held in November. Appended to the report for Panel Members information was a copy of these meeting papers which included an update on the implementation of the Neighbourhood Policing Charter.


Members thanked the PCC for her detailed summary and commended her for the good work and large number of activities she had undertaken.




That the Panel note the interim update in relation to progress against delivery of the Police and Crime Plan 2021-2025.









That the Panel notes the interim update in relation to progress against the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan 2021-2025.


Announcements from the PCC


The Police and Crime Commissioner made reference to the following:


A further round of Anti-Social Behaviour grants had been launched last year and 33 projects totalling £147,000 had been awarded to organisations. These projects would commence in January and would continue throughout the year.


The Derbyshire Rural Crime Prevention Guide to be launched in March.


I announced a further round of my Neighbourhood Watch Support Fund would be made available from April onwards at the Neighbourhood Watch Association Trust (DNWAT) AGM last month.


£1m towards tackling violence in Derbyshire.


Following the success of the Commissioner hosting a county lines secondary schools event last year, two similar events will be held for primary schools later this year.


The Commissioner will be hosting a victim support event later this year. Invitations will be circulated to Panel Members inviting them to attend to better understand the victim services which are commissioned by the Commissioner.


Forthcoming Events

To hear an oral update on forthcoming events (if any)


There were no forthcoming events to report.


Date of Next Meeting - 16 March 2023


The date of the next meeting was noted.