Venue: Committee Room 1, County Hall, Matlock, DE4 3AG
Contact: Ivan Walters 01629 538328
No. | Item |
To receive Declarations of Interest (if any) Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To confirm the non-exempt minutes of the meeting of the SACRE held on 14 November 2022 PDF 68 KB Minutes: RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the SACRE held on 14 November 2022
There were no matters arsing from the minutes. |
Guidance for Link Advisors on Religious Education PDF 161 KB Minutes: Prior to the meeting members had received a copy of ‘Primary Subject Information : Religious Education 2022/2023’.
The document had been written to support Derbyshire link advisers to carry out a curriculum review of religious education and provide some background information where the link adviser was not a subject specialist
It was hoped that Headteachers may also find it helpful to share the information provided with their subject leaders.
RESOLVED to note the report
New Guidance - Equality Act 2010 PDF 347 KB Minutes:
Prior to the meeting members had been circulated a link to the new Guidance on the Equality Act 2010 and had also received a copy of the presentation that had formed part of training course for governors provided by the Education Improvement Service on “Equality Act 2010: The new Ofsted Framework and its expectations”
The course explored, the:
- broader responsibilities on all public bodies including schools; - the concept of due regard; - the need for schools to publish on their website their equality objectives
It was hoped that this document would provide a valuable insight for SACRE members into the Equality Act and its Ofsted’s expectations, and Steve ford agreed to circulate the Guidance more widely. The next training for Governors was due to be delivered in April 2023
RESOLVED to note the report
SACRE Development Plan - Discussion Minutes: Steve Ford suggested that he felt it might now be appropriate, if the Derbyshire SACRE looked to establish a development plan moving forward. It was hoped that this would give the SACRE an identity and the plan would include priorities timescales and impacts.
It was agreed that this was a good idea and that a small Working Group would be established to formulate the Plan. The clerk would email round seeking expressions of interest to serve on the group.
RESOLVED to note the report |
OFSTED Update Minutes: Steve Ford provided members with a brief update of what the current Ofsted inspection regime were focussing on and what was expected of schools.
RESOLVED to note the update |
Development Day Planning Minutes: The Chairman reminded Members that the SACRE development day was scheduled for 3 July 2023.
Ideas for topics, areas of discussion or speakers were welcomed, Approaches had already been made to the Bishops of Derby and Nottingham to attend as speakers and any other ideas were welcomed
Steve Ford raised the issue of the Theatre Performance ‘Broken Instruments’ which was a powerful piece of theatre, which centred around the holocaust and was provided by Derby University. Steve agreed to explore the possibility.
RESOLVED to note the update and the request for items for the Development Day.