Venue: Committee Room 1, County Hall, Matlock, DE4 3AG
Contact: Ivan Walters 01629 538328
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of interest (if any) Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Declarations of Significant Lobbying To receive declarations of significant lobbying (if any) Minutes: There were no declarations of significant lobbying. |
Petitions To receive petitions (if any) Minutes: No petitions had been received. |
To confirm the non-exempt minutes of the meeting of the Regulatory – Planning Committee held on 13 May 2024. Minutes:
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 13 May 2024 be confirmed as a correct record. |
Minutes: An application had been received from Mr David Johnson for a change of use of part of an existing transport yard to use for inert waste recycling to produce secondary aggregate and associated temporary storage of waste and secondary aggregate that would be re-used off site and associated minor works. At the meeting of the Committee on 13 May 2024, it was resolved to defer consideration of the application, to enable a site visit to be arranged for members. (Minute 8/24 refers)
A report on the application by the Executive Director – Place, had been published with the agenda and included details of the site, planning history and the proposed works.
The report also included details of the consultation process, publicity, objections, observations, comments received and commentary on the planning considerations. The application was considered to be in accordance with national and local planning policy and was recommended for approval subject to conditions.
Members of the Committee had under undertaken a site visit prior to the meeting.
D Hodby, Senior Planner gave an oral summary of the main aspects of the proposal, including a presentation of slides showing plans and views of the site.
Mr D Rose, the Agent acting on behalf of the applicant, gave a 3 minute presentation in support of the officer recommendations contained in the report.
Mr D Mavis, a local resident who lived in close proximity to the site made a verbal representation to the committee expressing his concerns about the impacts from the proposed application particularly with regard to the noise and the dust that would be created and the effect that this would have on his daily life and property.
It was observed that as outlined in the report, the Bolsover District Council Environmental Health Officer had been consulted and had provided draft conditions for noise management, but had not raised any concerns in respect of dust or air quality impacts from the impact assessments that had been carried out. The Environmental Health Officer also recommended a condition to restrict permission to an initial term of two years.
RESOLVED that planning permission for the development proposed under Application Code No. CW5/1023/32 be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the Executive Director’s report.
Current Enforcement Action Minutes: RESOLVED To receive the report on current enforcement action. |
Outstanding Application List Minutes: RESOLVED to receive the list of decisions outstanding on 5 June 2024 relating to eia applications outstanding for more than sixteen weeks, major applications outstanding for more than thirteen weeks and minor applications outstanding for more than eight weeks.
Current Appeals/Called in Applications Minutes: There were no current appeals/called in applications. |
Minutes: RESOLVED to note the applications that had been approved by the Executive Director – Place under delegated powers as detailed in the report.