Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Matlock. View directions
Contact: Juliette Normington Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes of Previous Meeting To confirm the non-exempt minutes of the meeting of the Improvement and Scrutiny Committee – Health held on 29 July 2024.
Minutes: RESOLVED to confirm the non-exempt minutes of the meeting of the Improvement and Scrutiny – Health Committee held on 29 July 2024.
Minutes: There were no public questions.
0-19 Public Health Nursing Transformation Project Public Consultation Additional documents: Minutes: Iain Little, Assistant Director of Public Health and Heather Longbottom, Divisional Director, DCHS introduced the report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, and which sought Committee’s feedback and views on the six proposals being considered as part of the public consultation exercise for the 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service transformation project. The report was accompanied by a presentation that highlighted the areas being consulted on. The main drivers for change were efficiency and productivity, with six proposals identified for Phase 2 of the consultation.
Committee members were given the opportunity to make comments and ask questions. Reassurance was given regarding engagement with staff, who had helped identify and address a number of issues. The role of the Community Nursery Nurse was explained; their skill set working with families of children from the age of two meant they were ideal to deliver requirements of the 2-2½ year review. The 12 month review included an assessment of mum’s maternal mental health. The Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA) process would identify risks for the different groups with improvements being introduced and processes put in place to identify health and development needs. It was agreed that the completed EQIA would be brought back to Committee for consideration.
The strength of the partnership between Public Health and DCHS as part of the Section 75 Agreement had enabled both organisations to work jointly to develop proposals. The COVID pandemic and the way services had to adapt, had highlighted different ways clients could be supported effectively virtually.
The nature of the proposals were designed to protect the most vulnerable families while ensuring the same level of service. The Public Health grant was allocated on an annual basis with the current grant confirmed until March 2025. The project was on-going and these factors would need to be considered to ensure a sustainable service was in place.
Clients identified for a virtual/telephone antenatal review could request a home visit if preferred, with the Service working closely with midwifery services to effectively identify concerns or vulnerabilities.
Over 600 responses had been received up to 16 September 2024. Text messages had been sent to all families on the 0-19 caseload and drop-in sessions were taking place at Derbyshire libraries. Public Health and DCHS would monitor the implementation and performance of the service.
Stroke Rehabilitation Service Review Additional documents:
Minutes: Scott Webster, Head of Programme Management, Design, Quality and Assurance, Derbyshire ICB introduced the report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting and required Committee to review and note the intended public and patient engagement approach and associated Case for Change document for the Derby and Derbyshire Stroke Rehabilitation Service Review. Patient and public pre-engagement was expected to commence mid-October 2024.
Mr Webster outlined the key drivers for the review which had seen an increase in hospital admissions and the resulting rehabilitation services. The current service offered was under pressure, was complex and fragmented. The engagement process would follow an holistic approach with a number of activities included in selected locations.
Committee members were given the opportunity to make comments and ask questions. The frailty of the service was recognised and the review was welcomed by all Members. A request for the Plan to be extended to 5-10 years rather than just two was proposed and noted and Mr Webster was invited to attend a future meeting to update committee on progress.
Healthwatch Derbyshire - Engagement Updates Minutes: RESOLVED – to discuss the information provided when Healthwatch Derbyshire attend a future meeting.
Minutes: The Chairman presented the draft work programme for the meeting on 9 December 2024 and invited suggestions for future items. Councillor Gary Musson requested a report from the ICB on the health issues arising for those who were not in receipt of their regular medication.
RESOLVED – to accept the draft work programme for December 2024 and progress Councillor Musson’s request.