Venue: County Hall, Matlock, DE4 3AG
Contact: Juliette Normington Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive Declarations of Interest (if any). Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To confirm the non-exempt minutes of the meeting of the Improvement and Scrutiny Committee - Health held on 17 January 2022. Minutes: RESOLVED – to confirm the non-exempt minutes of the meeting of the Improvement & Scrutiny – Health held on 17 January 2022. |
30 minutes maximum for this item. Questions may be submitted to be answered by the Scrutiny Committee or Council officers who are attending the meeting as witnesses, on any item that is within the scope of the Committee. Please see the procedure (below) for the submission of questions. Minutes: There were no public questions. |
Mental Health Crisis Services Additional documents: Minutes: Mick Burrows gave a presentation, the slides of which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, providing an update on Crisis Alternative developments for adults with mental health needs, children and young people and services for people with learning disabilities and/or Autism.
A Safe Haven service was set-up in Derby in November 2020 and provided alternative provision to A&E out of hours. It was accessed via the Mental Health Helpline and provided a listening, support planning and de-escalation service with good outcomes for users. Following an engagement process during 2021, the Service was planning to introduce a similar provision in Chesterfield in the form of Crisis Cafés. These would provide drop-in facilities, out of hours services and somewhere that was “safe”. It was anticipated that these would be up and running by the Autumn of 2022.
The Derbyshire response to Children and Young People (CYP) in crisis service was looking to enhance their service “to successfully wrap care around our CYP in their time of need, described as ‘getting risk support'” which would include an increase in support hours, multi-agency response and care planning, particularly around CAMHS.
Local Intensive Support teams were being expanded around services for those with learning disabilities and Autism, by commissioning ‘crisis inreach’ and ‘crisis accommodation’ services, working alongside the Suicide Prevention Partnership, helping to ensure all service were accessible to those with learning disabilities and autism.
Committee members asked a number of questions and asked for more details on the funding of the Safe Havens project. This would be provided to the Committee by the CCG.
RESOLVED - to note the progress made. |
New Mental Health In-Patient Facilities - Results of Consultation and Next Steps Additional documents:
Minutes: Andy Harrison introduced the report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, providing the outcome of a consultation on the relocation of Older People Mental Health Inpatient Rehabilitation Service.
The report listed the new facilities and those that were being refurbished, in the Chesterfield and Derby areas. In respect of in-patient rehabilitation services, engagement was also underway around Audrey House, based at Kingsway Hospital in Derby. This facility was temporarily closed in April 2020, to become the permanent base for the county’s new Acute Plus facility providing enhanced support to women.
The report went on to give details of the engagement process and work on the sites. On the whole, feedback through the engagement process and from staff and carers had been good. A final business case would be ready for May 2022, final approval was expected in August 2022 with commencement of works expected in September 2022.
Committee members raised concerns around the increasing demand of beds and the number being made available. They also expressed their disappointment in the small number of respondents (23) to the consultation. This was not seen to be representative of people in the county and therefore the robustness of the process was questioned.
Committee members requested that improvements be made to encourage more and diverse respondents to future consultations. Members also requested that future reports make it clear what the Committee was being asked to approve and the implications for projects if approval was not given.
1. AMENDMENT: The Committee was content that the developments covered by the public consultation can proceed;
2. Note the outcome of the consultation findings; and
3. Note the ongoing work as described in the issues and mitigations section. |
Review of Section 75 Agreements - Progress Minutes: Jackie Wardle gave a progress report on the Section 75 Agreements review. The working group had met with officers from Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS) in February, where a large amount of information was discussed. All were in agreement that Section 75 Agreements provided a more streamlined process for parties to develop, commission and provide services. The review working group would also meet with the Director of Public Health and consider the financial implications of Section 75 Agreements.
The Working Group was expected to give a progress report to this meeting on 16 May 2022. If the final report was accepted by Committee at a meeting in July 2022, any recommendations would be reported to Cabinet, by the Committee Chairman, at the next available Cabinet meeting. |
Committee Work Programme Minutes: Jackie Wardle introduced the report, which was circulated in advance of the meeting, informing Members of the proposed work programme for the Committee.
During the response to COVID-19 pandemic, measures were put in place which affected the provision of a large number of NHS services and saw the implementation of new ways of working. Changes to how services were provided would be brought to the Committee when appropriate and would dictate a large part of the Committee’s work programme.
RESOLVED - to note and agree the Committee’s proposed work programme. |