Venue: Committee Room 1, County Hall, Matlock. View directions
Contact: Juliette Normington Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive Declarations of Interest (if any) Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 107 KB To confirm the non-exempt minutes of the meeting of the Improvement and Scrutiny Committee - Health held on 16 January 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Improvement and Scrutiny Committee – Health held on 16 January 2023. |
30 minutes maximum for this item. Questions may be submitted to be answered by the Scrutiny Committee or Council officers who are attending the meeting as witnesses, on any item that is within the scope of the Committee. Please see the procedure (below) for the submission of questions. Minutes: There were no public questions. |
Integrated Care Strategy - Partnership Engagement PDF 104 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Helen Jones, Executive Director – Adult Social Care and Health introduced the report and draft Strategy, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting. The purpose of the Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Strategy was to set out how Local Authority, NHS, Healthwatch, and Voluntary Sector organisations would work together to improve the health of Derby and Derbyshire citizens, and further the transformative change needed to tackle system health and care challenges. The final version of the Strategy would be produced for consideration by the ICP in April 2023. The report was accompanied by a presentation which set out the key steps in developing the Strategy.
A statement from Rowena Brown (Head of Commissioning - Children’s Services) who was unable to attend the meeting, was read out:
“Childrens Services has been actively involved in the preparation and planning of the strategy and welcomes the focus of the ‘Start Well’ agenda. The Strategy has been reviewed by Childrens Services SLT, where senior leaders supported the proposal. The strategy is to be reviewed via the Childrens Delivery Board (JUCD) for further agreement. Childrens Services will be actively involved in the ‘so what’ of the strategy and how we deliver it.”
Concern was expressed by some committee members about this being “another strategy”: there were currently some big issues being faced by the NHS – admissions, the ambulance service and finance. When asked how the strategy’s aims would be delivered, Ms Jones’s response was there was difficulty in an operational context post-COVID but this was the first time the partners had worked so closely together and there were high expectations of success in delivery. This was endorsed by Councillor Carol Hart who was the County Council’s representative on the ICP.
1) Committee note the draft strategy, the proposed approach and the actions underway to produce a final version; and
2) Officers to present the final document at a future meeting. |
Colposcopy Services at Buxton PDF 114 KB Minutes: Monica McAlindon, Head of Cancer Commissioning and Cancer Programme Lead and Richard Doane, Planned Care Programme Director introduced the report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting informing the Committee that from April 2023, University Hospitals Derby and Burton (UHDB) could no longer provide the Buxton Colposcopy service following the retirement of the existing consultant.
The Committee was informed that the best option in the interim was to provide the service at Chesterfield Royal Hospital. A service review would also be held to determine what people wanted.
The Chair was keen to determine if referring people to Stockport or Tameside hospitals had been considered. These options had been considered but the hospitals did not have the capacity to take on the Buxton service. There was a very small number of colposcopists for all settings and the team were conducting a piece of work to try and link with other neighbouring ICBs and NHS Trusts. A review was proposed in 6 months and this would be shared with the Committee.
Other questions posed by Committee members were regarding the current agreement, penalties and funding. UHDB was the service provider and they had given notice to end the contract. The proposal was the attempt at trying to find a solution to the loss of the Buxton facility. There were no actual savings as the same level of treatment had to be provided, the service would just be at a different location.
1) to note the report;
2) although Committee regretted the closure of the service at Buxton, it supported the engagement process;
3) the outcomes of the engagement process would be brought to the next available Committee meeting; and
4) the outcomes of the 6 month review be reported to the next available Committee meeting. |
Healthwatch Derbyshire Update PDF 71 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Helen Henderson, Chief Executive of Healthwatch Derbyshire presented the report, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, giving an update on three key themes previously brought to the Committee.
· A major piece of work for Healthwatch Derbyshire was around access to GP appointments. Contact with GPs in a reasonable timescale and manner was crucial and the overall experience of patients was positive.
· Closure of county council day care centres revolved around the carers conduit and dialogue was continuing. It was agreed that this information should be forwarded to the Improvement & Scrutiny – People committee.
· The review of Maternal Mental Health Services was a Healthwatch England initiative with the results of the national survey scheduled to be published at the end of March 2023.
Members accepted that the way GP practices operated had changed but wanted services to be flexible and the different options available to patients made better known.
1) to accept and note the report; and
2) a report on the outcomes of the Maternal Mental Health Services survey to be brought to a future committee meeting. |
Mental Health - Neurodevelopment PDF 90 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Dr Tiff Webster, System Delivery Manager for Neurodevelopment and Carolyn Green, Interim Chief Executive introduced the report, which had been circulated prior to the meeting and which gave an update on the JoinedUpCareDerbyshire (JUCD) Neurodevelopmental (ND) programme.
The programme ensured neurodivergent people and people with a learning disability were recognised, validated and empowered to live the lives they wanted. The presentation that accompanied the report gave a comprehensive breakdown to the methodology used to identify achieving shared goals and vision. The voices of people with lived experience were central to the local approach to transformation and the shaping of services.
Achievements and future priorities were listed with how NHS targets would be achieved, together with local aspirations. The results of the programme were expected on 13 March 2023.
Committee members asked a number of questions on finance, diagnosis and targets:
- The service was funded however there weren’t enough resources for progress.
- Children were presently unable to self-refer for a diagnosis but this was being considered to allow children to self-refer. Currently, children were referred via parents or school. Four new Family Autism hubs were being set up across the county and these would provide an information service for parents seeking diagnosis for their children. Diagnosis tools were also being redesigned, although it would be approximately 2 years before they were introduced.
- The NHS targets referred to in the presentation would be shared with the committee via the Improvement and Scrutiny Officer.
RESOLVED to note the report. |
Committee Work Programme - verbal update Minutes: Jackie Wardle, Improvement and Scrutiny Officer updated the Committee of work recently undertaken.
The Section 75 Review outcomes were reported to the Integrated Care Partnership meeting on 8 February 2023, where the document was welcomed and accepted. This completed the action of that particular recommendation of the review.
The Committee’s proposed work programme for May and July 2023 was summarised:
15 May
· Outcomes of Winter Service Delivery; · Financial information in respect of the 5 Year Financial Recovery Plan; · Learning Disability Short Breaks; · EMAS – challenges and opportunities; · Chesterfield Oncology Service; and · Work Programme.
24 July
· Maternity Services update; · GP Access to Services update; and · Work Programme.
RESOLVED to note the report. |