Agenda and minutes

Improvement and Scrutiny Committee - Health - Monday, 29 July 2024 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Matlock. View directions

Contact: Juliette Normington  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive Declarations of Interest (if any)


There were no declarations of interest. 



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 116 KB

To confirm the non-exempt minutes of the meeting of the Improvement and Scrutiny Committee - Health held on 13 May 2024.


RESOLVED – to confirm the non-exempt minutes of the meeting of the Improvement and Scrutiny Committee – Health held on 13 May 2024. 



Public Questions pdf icon PDF 54 KB

30 minutes maximum for this item.  Questions may be submitted to be answered by the Scrutiny Committee or Council officers who are attending the meeting as witnesses, on any item that is within the scope of the Committee. Please see the procedure (below) for the submission of questions.


There were no public questions. 



Living Well Derbyshire pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Additional documents:


Lee Doyle, Managing Director, DHCFT introduced the report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, which provided an update on the implementation of the Community Mental Health Framework which was being realised through the county-wide Living Well programme.  This had seen the biggest transformation of mental health services in the last three decades to improve access to community mental health services, via a multi-agency team approach and to improve quality of life. 


The report was accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation.  Andy Green, Group Manager, Mental Health Derbyshire, DCC explained who the service was aimed at and highlighted the key benefits of the programme.


Helen Poyner, Head of Delivery Living Well Programme advised Members of the phased approach used to re-launch the programme – Phase 1 established the offer across Derbyshire and Phase 2, from April 2024 saw the expansion of the programme through to March 2025.  The huge demand for the service was also recognised.


Rob Passey, Contract Manager, Rethink Mental Illness provided a snapshot of the kind of feedback and the positive reaction received by those who had been supported by the programme.


Committee members were given the opportunity to make comments and ask questions. Further information was requested on measuring performance and it was agreed that these would be brought to a future meeting.


RESOLVED to note:


  1.   The launch of all eight new Living Well/Derby Wellbeing localities;


  1.   The progress of multi-agency team-working;


  1.   The plan to increase the provision by widening the ‘front door’ over the next nine months; and


  1.   The return to a future meeting to provide an update on the Service.



Pharmacy First and Medicines Availability pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Additional documents:


Shazia Patel, Community Pharmacy Clinical Lead, Derbyshire ICB introduced the report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting providing an overview of the Pharmacy First service in Derbyshire.  The detailed report outlined the background and intended evaluation of the service and was supplemented by a presentation.


The Service enabled community pharmacies to give users a quicker and more convenient access to safe and high quality healthcare and thereby free up GP appointments.  Data was provided up to the end of March 2024 but this had been hampered by a number of IT issues.


Committee members were given the opportunity to ask questions, particularly around competency and patient confidentiality.  Staff underwent significant and mandatory training, with regular validation and on-going continuing professional development.  Training also covered the security of patient records, GP assurance and pharmacy competences.  With regards to funding, pharmacies received an upfront amount on initial sign-up and given specific targets for further support.


Medication Availability


The document circulated prior to the meeting was for information purposes only and provided guidance and information on national initiatives.  It was recognised that supply of medicines was an increasing problem and that pharmacies had a duty of care to provide alternatives.


Members were pleased to see medication availability back on the agenda and would look into providing questions in the future.  The Chairman thanked Ms Patel for her presentation.



Healthwatch Derbyshire - Engagement pdf icon PDF 478 KB


Helen Henderson, Chief Executive of Healthwatch Derbyshire provided highlights of reviews undertaken of some NHS services in Derbyshire and referred to the bulletin which had been circulated in advance of the meeting.


The reviews had highlighted five common themes people had concerns about - access to services, communication, care and kindness, reasonable adjustments and quality of provision.  General practice was also identified as a concern, particularly experience around communications, appointments, safety of documentation and empathy of receptionists.


Committee members were given the opportunity to ask questions.  Conversations were continuing nationally and locally around dentistry services.  Concerns around the diagnosis of autism and related conditions had been recognised with Healthwatch undertaking work in this area sometime in the near future.  Members had been enthused by work done by local MPs around autism and ADHD and encouraged Healthwatch to be involved in this work.


The Chairman thanked Ms Henderson for another comprehensive presentation.



Executive Scrutiny Report pdf icon PDF 137 KB


Jackie Wardle, Improvement and Scrutiny Officer introduced the report, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, asking Committee to note the Executive/Scrutiny Protocol as a framework for the relationship between the Executive and the scrutiny process.


RESOLVED – to note:


  1.     The Executive Scrutiny Protocol at Appendix 2 to the report;


  1.     The Scrutiny Co-ordination Group will be reviewing the operation of the Protocol in 12 months’ time; and


  1.     That the Health Committee work was mostly concerned with external health organisations transferring services and associated consultation exercises.



Work Programme


Jackie Wardle, Improvement and Scrutiny Officer advised Committee of expected items to be discussed at future meetings.


September 2024


  • Director of Public Health – 0-19 consultation
  • Healthwatch Derbyshire


December 2024


  • EMAS – particularly CAT2 response times
  • Healthwatch Derbyshire


Maternity Services Update would be provided at a future meeting.


RESOLVED – to accept the work programme for future meetings.