No. |
Item |
160/24 |
To receive declarations of interest (if any)
161/24 |
To consider Minority Group Leader questions (if any)
Minority Group Leaders in
attendance at the meeting are able to ask a question on a report on
the agenda. Any questions should be provided in writing by 12 noon
at least 2 working days before the meeting.
The following questions had been
submitted by Councillor J Dixon, Leader of the Labour
Agenda item 6 – Proposed
Redesign of Residential Care and Day Opportunities for Older
“The paper proposes that the
Council exit the residential care market completely, in spite of
rising costs in the private sector of up to £400 a week in
some areas on top of Derbyshire's standard cost of a care home
Costs of private care have created
a projected overspend of almost £40 million in the current
financial year. Cabinet will be aware from the recent
Ombudsman case which the council lost, that where a care bed cannot
be offered at the council's rate, then the council is liable for
the full cost of private sector provision. In other areas the cessation of council
provision has led to further increases in private care costs. What
cost estimates have been made and how can Cabinet be assured that
closing 280 care beds and completely exiting the market will not
create further huge cost pressures from private care which are
completely unsustainable?”
Agenda item 8 – Outcome of
the consultation on the cessation of Corporate services and
Transformation Discretionary Grant Funding
“The consultation report
makes clear that the proposals will affect the sustainability and
resilience of the voluntary sector, with the damage being
irreparable - some voluntary organisations said they would cease to
operate and others would lose jobs. The Equality Impact Assessment shows the
proposals will have a detrimental impact on older people, on those
with disabilities and their carers. The cabinet report states that
cabinet should consider how Council could mitigate the negative
impacts of the proposals, including funding to commission future
activities, council or other organisations delivering similar
services in future, and accepting increased costs in other areas.
Have the costs of these mitigations been calculated in light of the
future reduced capacity of the voluntary sector? No estimates have been provided in the Cabinet
paper, and how can Cabinet make this decision on cost grounds
without this information on the additional costs that will be
162/24 |
To approve, as a correct record, the non-exempt minutes of the meeting held on 17 October 2024 PDF 86 KB
To approve, as a correct record,
the minutes of the meeting held on 19 October
163/24 |
Redesign of short breaks and day opportunities for people with a learning disability and/or who are autistic PDF 200 KB
Additional documents:
Approve the
permanent closure of
the four day
centres - Alderbrook, No
Limits, Outlook, and
Parkwood on the
basis that before
proceedings with the
permanent closure of
any Day Centre alternative
offers of support
had been made
to people currently using
the services in
accordance with the
Council’s obligations
under the Care Act and
any other relevant
legislation or guidance;
Approve the
permanent closure of
four short break
services - Hadfield Road,
Newhall Bungalow, Petersham,
Victoria Street on the
basis that before
proceedings with the
permanent closure of
any Day Centre
alternative offers of
support had been
made to people
currently using the
services in accordance
with the Council’s
obligations under the
Care Act and
any other relevant
legislation or
Approve that once the day centres
and short break services were closed, the outcomes for the
buildings were considered and implemented by Property
as business as usual in accordance with the Council’s scheme
of delegation and the limits set for disposal of freehold and
leasehold interests therein;
Approve the
delegation to the
Director of Property
in consultation with the
relevant Cabinet Member
to dispose of
any of the
properties named in
the report where
the freehold value
exceeded £500,000 or
where in the
case of buildings
being leased by
the Council the value
of the interest being
surrendered was over
£100,000; and
Note that
a formal consultation
with staff and
trade unions representing
staff affected by
any closures would
commence and every
effort be made
to assist employees
in seeking suitable
alternative roles to minimise the number
of redundancies.
Councillor N Hoy introduced a
report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting,
providing the response to the consultation on the future delivery
of short breaks and day opportunities for people with learning
disabilities and/or who were autistic and the possible redesign and
which included the outcome of the Equality Impact
Analysis and recommendations about
the preferred course of action.
Approve the
permanent closure of
the four day
centres - Alderbrook, No
Limits, Outlook, and
Parkwood on the
basis that before
proceedings with the
permanent closure of
any Day Centre alternative
offers of support
had been made
to people currently using
the services in
accordance with the
Council’s obligations
under the Care Act and
any other relevant
legislation or guidance;
Approve the
permanent closure of
four short break
services - Hadfield Road,
Newhall Bungalow, Petersham,
Victoria Street on the
basis that before
proceedings with the
permanent closure of
any Day Centre
alternative offers of
support had been
made to people
currently using the
services in accordance
with the Council’s
obligations under the
Care Act and
any other relevant
legislation or
Approve that once the day centres
and short break services were closed, the outcomes for the
buildings were considered and implemented by Property
as business as usual in accordance with the Council’s scheme
of delegation and the limits set for disposal of freehold and
leasehold interests therein;
Approve the
delegation to the
Director of Property
in consultation with the
relevant Cabinet Member
to dispose of
any of the
properties named in
the report where
the freehold value
exceeded £500,000 or
where in the
case of buildings
being leased by
the Council the value
of the interest being
surrendered was over
£100,000; and
Note that
a formal consultation
with staff and
trade unions representing
staff affected by
any closures would
commence and every
effort be made
to assist employees
in seeking suitable
alternative roles to minimise the number
of redundancies.
164/24 |
Proposed redesign of Residential Care and Day Opportunities for Older People – Consultation Responses and Recommendations PDF 240 KB
Additional documents:
Note the intention of the Council
to focus its directly provided services upon providing specialist
long term care, flexible day and overnight breaks for people with
dementia and their carers, in addition to well-integrated
short-term assessment and reablement services, to avoid hospital
admission and maximise flow through hospitals;
Approve the cessation of long term
and respite care at the following residential care homes: Briar
Close, Castle Court, The Grange, Lacemaker Court (including an
integrated day centre), The Leys, New Bassett House, Rowthorne and
Thomas Colledge in accordance with the following
the homes
listed be offered
for sale to the
open market as
a going concern for a period
of up to eight
where the Council received
offers for any of the care homes, authority was delegated to the
Executive Director for Adult Social Care, in consultation with the
Director of Finance and the Director of Property, who would
determine whether the criteria set out at paragraph 4.8.4 of the
report had been met;
where a determination was
made that the criteria had been met, the option of selling the
homes as going concerns, authority be delegated to the Director of
Property to pursue and make arrangements for sale, should the value
exceed £500,000;
if a
sale fell through,
the current residents
be supported to find
reasonable and suitable
alternative accommodation;
and steps (e), (f)
and (g) below would be
where a
determination was made
by the Executive
Director for Adult
Social Care, in
consultation with the
Director of Finance
and the Director
of Property, that
the criteria set
out at paragraph
4.8.4 were not
met, the current residents
be supported to
find reasonable and
suitable alternative accommodation and
the care home would permanently
before proceeding
with the permanent closure of any of the homes, the Council would
ensure that reasonable and ...
view the full decision text for item 164/24
Councillor Hoy responded to the
question Councillor Dixon had submitted prior to the meeting as
“Whilst the costs for
purchased services across the board have risen and therefore do
place pressure on the Adult Social Care budget, the total value of
the projected overspend on purchased services is lower than the
value quoted and is a result of increasing demand for adult social
care services at a time when the financial climate for all local
authorities is particularly challenging. It is not accurate to say the overspend is a
result of the costs of private care.
Neither is it accurate to say that
the Council proposes to exit the residential care market
The report states that the Council
is proposing to specialise in the provision of long-term care and
flexible overnight and day breaks for people living with dementia
and reablement services because these are the areas of need that
have been identified.
The Council will continue to
effectively manage local markets to ensure there is accessible and
affordable care for people as it is legally obliged
We can see through information
around vacancies, national trends and through all the modelling,
that there is a reduction in demand for more traditional
residential care – with the demand increasing for nursing
care and residential care for those with complex needs which is why
the Council is making these recommendations around the focus of the
services it directly provides.”
Councillor Hoy also voiced strong
concerns around the recent government announcement of allocating an
extra £600m funding to local authorities for adults and
children social care. This was seen as “a drop in the
ocean” compared to the £2.4bn in rising costs
associated with wage increases and employer national insurance
It was the Council’s
intention to write to the government to express its concerns for
the authority ...
view the full minutes text for item 164/24
165/24 |
Treasury Management Annual Report 2023-24 PDF 286 KB
Councillor S Spencer introduced a
report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that
provided details of Treasury Management activities during 2023-24
and indicated the Council’s compliance with the prudential
indicators set by Council at its meeting of 15 February 2023, in
accordance with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and
Accountancy’s “Treasury Management in the
Public Services: Code of Practice 2021 Edition”
(the CIPFA Code).
Note the report on Treasury
Management activities during 2023-24 and the Council’s
compliance with the prudential indicators set by Council at its
meeting of 15 February 2023, in accordance with the CIPFA
166/24 |
Outcome of the consultation on the cessation of Adult Social Care and Health and Corporate Services and Transformation Discretionary Grant funding PDF 230 KB
Additional documents:
Note the outcomes of the full
report on the consultation responses and detailed analysis of the
feedback in Appendix 3 and the Equality Impact Analyses in
Appendix 4-9;
Approve the recommendation to cease
all existing discretionary grant funding arrangements set out in
this report after 31 March 2025, totalling
Note that £25,000 of funding
would be retained in the CST budget to support the Council’s
strategy and partnership objective; and
Note that £25,000 of funding
would be retained in the CST budget to support the
Council’s equality objective.
Councillor Hart responded to the
question Councillor Dixon had submitted prior to the meetingas
“The consultation report is
a summary and reflection of the feedback that the Council received
during the consultation period, from those who engaged with the
consultation exercise. The consultation report makes it clear that
respondents told us that the sustainability and resilience of the
voluntary sector would be affected. Most respondents to the
consultation were affiliated with an organisation currently in
receipt of funding, whether that be as a volunteer worker, person
who draws on care and support or a member of the
VCS organisations operate
independently from the Council and should have sustainable funding
models, managed by a board and a set of trustees. Charities usually
utilise a range of funding sources and organisations should have
strategies in place to adapt to any loss of funding across their
business model.
As the report states, the Council
has considered a number of options to mitigate the effects of the
Cabinet decision to withdraw grants funding. Not all options are
appropriate in all circumstances, and the Equalities Impact
Assessments have identified mitigations where possible. However,
the Council must consider the suitability of these options whilst
also recognising the need to meet its savings
As mentioned in the report the way
in which organisations utilise these grant awards is complex and
differs for each organisation. Each organisation’s financial
structures, income streams and priorities vary significantly, thus
we are not able to accurately determine how each of them will
respond to the recommendations in the Cabinet Report. Whilst some
have indicated that they intend to obtain alternative funding from
other sources such as the National Lottery, others may choose to
continue provisions but adopt a new approach. The report does make clear that the Council
has other ways in which the most vulnerable can be supported
through commissioned and directly provided approaches. These are
designed to prevent, reduce and delay the need for more formal
The Council invests round
£4m annually in preventative services which includes Carer
support, Low Level Services, Home from Hospital, sensory services,
dementia support and much more, which are often commissioned from
the voluntary and community sector. Commissioning in this way is
advantageous because services can be carefully designed and managed
over a longer timeframe, looking at the needs of the whole
Derbyshire population, whilst also incorporating full cost recovery
including reasonable core/management costs.”
Councillor Hart went on to
introduce the report that summarised the feedback from the recent
consultation in relation to the potential cessation of Adult Social
Care and Health and Corporate Services and Transformation
discretionary grants and included the outcome of the equality
impact assessments and recommendations regarding the allocation of
discretionary grants.
view the full minutes text for item 166/24
167/24 |
Elvaston Castle and Gardens Masterplan Update PDF 153 KB
The withdrawal of the Masterplan
formally approved by Cabinet on 20 December
Continuing engagement with key
stakeholders on future operational options for Elvaston Castle and
Gardens Estate on the basis of the above decision;
The current capital budget to be
held and available for the Estate to fund delivery of the
Countryside Service Enterprise Plan. The plan would include
improvements for visitors and a scaled back number of low-cost,
low-risk developments focused on increasing visitor numbers, to
reduce the current financial subsidy, and keep the Estate
maintained in line with health and safety
The Growth Fund of 0.050m per annum
allocated to the Masterplan be transferred to the Countryside
Service to fund additional staffing resource to support the
delivery of the Enterprise Plan;
Granting delegated authority to the
Executive Director Place, in consultation with the Director of
Legal and Democratic Services, to agree a new governance structure
and collaboration agreement between the Council and Elvaston Castle
and Gardens Trust; and
Allocating funding of 0.028m to
Elvaston Castle and Gardens Trust for 2025-26
financial year and for each of the following two years with a 3%
uplift per annum.
Councillor T King introduced a
report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that
sought approval for a number of recommendations in support of a
pragmatic response to a set of very complex and challenging
circumstances reflecting the Council’s financial pressures
and deepening the partnership arrangements with Elvaston Castle and
Gardens Trust to ensure a sustainable plan for the future of the
The withdrawal of the Masterplan
formally approved by Cabinet on 20 December
Continuing engagement with key
stakeholders on future operational options for Elvaston Castle and
Gardens Estate on the basis of the above decision;
The current capital budget to be
held and available for the Estate to fund delivery of the
Countryside Service Enterprise Plan. The plan would include
improvements for visitors and a scaled back number of low-cost,
low-risk developments focused on increasing visitor numbers, to
reduce the current financial subsidy, and keep the Estate
maintained in line with health and safety
The Growth Fund of £0.050m
per annum allocated to the Masterplan be transferred to the
Countryside Service to fund additional staffing resource to support
the delivery of the Enterprise Plan;
Granting delegated authority to the
Executive Director – Place, in consultation with the Director
of Legal and Democratic Services, to agree a new governance
structure and collaboration agreement between the Council and
Elvaston Castle and Gardens Trust; and
Allocating funding of £0.028m
to Elvaston Castle and Gardens Trust for 2025-26
financial year and for each of the following two years with a 3%
uplift per annum.
168/24 |
Markham Vale Update on Development Progress PDF 130 KB
Additional documents:
The continuing success and progress
made in bringing forward development at Markham Vale and the
economic activity that had taken place over the period October 2023
to September 2024; and
To approve the activity planned
over the coming years to bring the project to
Councillor T King introduced a
report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting,
informing of the continuing success and progress being made in
bringing forward development at Markham Vale, providing an overview
of economic activity over the period October 2023 to September
Note the continuing success and
progress made in bringing forward development at Markham Vale and
the economic activity that had taken place over the period October
2023 to September 2024; and
Approve the activity planned over
the coming years to
bring the project to
169/24 |
Proposal to consult on the revised Developer Contributions Protocol PDF 121 KB
Additional documents:
Consultation with the public and
stakeholders on the revised Developer Contributions Protocol;
Delegated authority for amendments
to be made to the draft by the Executive Director – Place, in
consultation with the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment,
in response to emerging East Midland Combined County
Authority strategy.
Councillor C Renwick introduced a
report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, which sought
approval to consult on the revised Developer Contributions Protocol
and delegate authority for amendments to be made to the draft
Protocol by the Executive Director – Place in consultation
with the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment in
response to emerging East Midland Combined County Authority
Consultation with the public and
stakeholders on the revised Developer Contributions Protocol;
Delegated authority for amendments
to be made to the draft by the Executive Director – Place, in
consultation with the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment,
in response to emerging East Midland Combined County
Authority strategy.
170/24 |
East Midlands Investment Zone – Call for Projects PDF 127 KB
Note the call for investment
proposals under the East Midlands Combined County Authority’s
(EMCCA) ‘sprint’ programmes in support of the East
Midlands Investment and the short timescales within which bids
needed to be prepared;
Approve in
the receipt of grant funding from EMCCA
for the three bids submitted (Advancing Staveley Waterside,
Derbyshire Connectivity North and Derbyshire Connectivity
the addition of projects to the capital
programme and the commercial pipeline;
the carrying out of consultation
where required; and
Authorise the Executive Director
– Place to approve the acceptance of specific funding offers,
in consultation with the Director of Finance and the Cabinet Member
for Infrastructure and Environment, and to authorise any required
consultation for funded projects.
Councillor C Renwick introduced a
report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting,
providing an update on a call for investment proposals in support
of the East Midlands Investment Zone. The report also sought approval in principle
to the receipt of grant funding from East Midlands Combined Council
Authority and for the Executive Director – Place to approve
the acceptance of specific funding offers, in consultation with the
Director of Finance and the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and
Note the call for investment
proposals under the East Midlands Combined County Authority’s
(EMCCA) ‘sprint’ programmes in support of the East
Midlands Investment and the short timescales within which bids
needed to be prepared;
Approve in
the receipt of grant funding from EMCCA
for the three bids submitted (Advancing Staveley Waterside,
Derbyshire Connectivity North and Derbyshire Connectivity
the addition of projects to the capital
programme and the commercial pipeline;
the carrying out of consultation
where required; and
Authorise the Executive Director
– Place to approve the acceptance of specific funding offers,
in consultation with the Director of Finance and the Cabinet Member
for Infrastructure and Environment, and to authorise any required
consultation for funded projects.
171/24 |
Allocation of 2025-26 Local Transport Plan Highways PDF 307 KB
Approve the indicative 2025-26
scheme list in Appendix 3 of the report based on the anticipated
funding allocation from DfT. This would provide forward visibility
to members and communities and enable design to commence to ensure
early design and delivery of this
Acknowledge that confirmation of
DfT Capital Funding Settlement was delayed and approve the
reporting of this at a later date once the Capital Highway
Maintenance Block Grant and Integrated Transport Block Grant was
confirmed by DfT following the Government’s autumn 2024
spending review;
Authorise the delegation of
authority to the Director for Highways, in consultation with the
Cabinet Member for Highways, Assets and Transport, to accept the
award and programme delivery of any additional monies received from
the DfT for spend within the 2024/25 financial year, with
retrospective authority to receipt the funds to be reported to
Cabinet at a future meeting;
Authorise delegation to the Director for
Highways to approve any changes to the programme within the
tolerance of the overall budget; and
Grant permission to officers
to procure all necessary goods/services required to deliver
projects in the programme, in accordance with the Council’s
procurement protocols.
Councillor C Cupit introduced a
report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that
sought approval for a number of aspects around the 2025-26 Highways
Capital Programme and to advise that confirmation of the DfT
Capital funding settlement was delayed.
Approve the indicative 2025-26
scheme list in Appendix 3 of the report based on the anticipated
funding allocation from DfT. This would provide forward visibility
to members and communities and enable design to commence to ensure
early design and delivery of this
Acknowledge that confirmation of
DfT Capital Funding Settlement was delayed and approve the
reporting of this at a later date once the Capital Highway
Maintenance Block Grant and Integrated Transport Block Grant was
confirmed by DfT following the Government’s autumn 2024
spending review;
Authorise the delegation of
authority to the Director for Highways, in consultation with the
Cabinet Member for Highways, Assets and Transport, to accept the
award and programme delivery of any additional monies received from
the DfT for spend within the 2024/25 financial year, with
retrospective authority to receipt the funds to be reported to
Cabinet at a future meeting;
Authorise delegation to the Director for
Highways to approve any changes to the programme within the
tolerance of the overall budget; and
Grant permission to officers
to procure all necessary goods/services required to deliver
projects in the programme, in accordance with the Council’s
procurement protocols.
172/24 |
Children’s Services Capital Allocations S106 PDF 105 KB
Additional documents:
Note the receipt/availability of
Section 106 funding and approve allocations to the projects
outlined in Appendix 2;
Approve the transfer of
reimbursement to Basic Need 2017-18 to 2018-19 in the sum of
£152,153.79 for Langley Mill
Note the additional planning
reference in relation to overall allocated Section 106 funds
totalling £604,858 for Heanor Gate and the removal of
previously allocated £50,000, providing a corrected
allocation of £554,858.47;
Approve the transfer of reimbursed
Section 106 funds in the sum of £304,097.34 for
Heanor Gate from Basic Need 2016-17 to add to the continuing
expansion project;
Note corrections to balances for
Heanor Gate S106 Cabinet paper of 22 February 24, detailed above
and in Appendix 2; and
Note the reimbursement of S106
receipt to Basic Need Capital Budgets.
Councillor A Dale introduced a
report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting,
regarding Section 106 developer contributions and the correct
allocation of funding.
Note the receipt/availability of
Section 106 funding and approve allocations to the projects
outlined in Appendix 2;
Approve the transfer of
reimbursement to Basic Need 2017-18 to 2018-19 in the sum of
£152,153.79 for Langley Mill
Note the additional planning
reference in relation to overall allocated Section 106 funds
totalling £604,858 for Heanor Gate and the removal of
previously allocated £50,000, providing a corrected
allocation of £554,858.47;
Approve the transfer of reimbursed
Section 106 funds in the sum of £304,097.34 for
Heanor Gate from Basic Need 2016-17 to add to the continuing
expansion project;
Note corrections to balances for
Heanor Gate S106 Cabinet paper of 22 February 24, detailed above
and in Appendix 2; and
Note the reimbursement of S106
receipt to Basic Need Capital Budgets.
173/24 |
Derbyshire Healthy Home Project (DHHP) Consultation Results and Future Recommendation PDF 158 KB
Additional documents:
Note the plan to transition the
ECO4 Flex Declarations administration role (Grade 8) from Adult
Care to DCC Public Health to specifically support the ECO4 Flex
declaration process;
Note that a comprehensive
information and advice webpage would be developed to support people
with energy efficiency advice and signpost to appropriate
external organisations;
Agree that the Derbyshire Healthy
Home offer was simplified to focus on a core offer as described in
Section 5.17 of the report;
Approve the implementation of a new
eligibility criteria for Derbyshire County Council funded home
clearance and deep cleaning activity necessitated due to hazardous
home conditions that was focused on supporting adults with eligible
health and social care needs in accordance with the duties of the
Care Act (2014) as outlined in paragraph 5.19 of the
Note that a collaborative working
group involving Joined Up Care Derbyshire system partners,
including District and Borough representatives, would be created
with the intention of developing a shared process to address
Category 2 hazards under the Housing Act 2004 Health and Housing
Hazard Rating System (HHHRS) to be operational from June
2026 onwards; and
Note that a formal consultation
with staff and trade unions representing staff affected by the
remodelling of the service would commence and every effort be made
to assist employees in seeking suitable alternative roles to
minimise the number of redundancies.
Councillor N Hoy introduced a
report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting,
informing of the outcome of the consultation and review of the
Derbyshire Healthy Home Project (DHHP) and to consider the outcomes
and recommendations laid out in the report.
Note the plan to transition the
ECO4 Flex Declarations administration role (Grade 8) from Adult
Care to DCC Public Health to specifically support the ECO4 Flex
declaration process;
Note that a comprehensive
information and advice webpage would be developed to support people
with energy efficiency advice and signpost to appropriate
external organisations;
Agree that the Derbyshire Healthy
Home offer was simplified to focus on a core offer as described in
Section 5.17 of the report;
Approve the implementation of a new
eligibility criteria for Derbyshire County Council funded home
clearance and deep cleaning activity necessitated due to hazardous
home conditions that was focused on supporting adults with eligible
health and social care needs in accordance with the duties of the
Care Act (2014) as outlined in paragraph 5.19 of the
Note that a collaborative working
group involving Joined Up Care Derbyshire system partners,
including District and Borough representatives, would be created
with the intention of developing a shared process to address
Category 2 hazards under the Housing Act 2004 Health and Housing
Hazard Rating System (HHHRS) to be operational from June
2026 onwards; and
Note that a formal consultation
with staff and trade unions representing staff affected by the
remodelling of the service would commence and every effort be made
to assist employees in seeking suitable alternative roles to
minimise the number of redundancies.
174/24 |
Exclusion of the Public
To move “That under
Regulation 4 (2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive
Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information)
Regulations 2012, the public be
excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on
the grounds that in view of the nature of the items of business,
that if members of the public were present, exempt information as
defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local
Government Act 1972 would be disclosed to them.”
That under Regulation 4(2)(b) of
the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access
to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public are excluded
from the meeting for the remaining business on the grounds that in
view of the nature of the items of business, that if members of the
public were present, exempt information as defined in
Paragraph’s 1 and 3 respectively of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of
the Local Government Act 1972 would be disclosed to
175/24 |
To approve, as a correct record, the exempt minutes of the meeting held on 17 October 2024
To approve, as a correct record,
the exempt minutes of the meeting held on 17 October
176/24 |
Industrial Portfolio Review
To approve the recommendations as
detailed in the not for publication report.
Councillor S Spencer introduced the report,
which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that sought
approval to sell the Small Business Centres and Industrial Estate
Portfolio, with the existing tenants in situ, via auction and to
remove the related income targets and expenditure budgets from
To approve the recommendations as
detailed in the not for publication report.
177/24 |
Markham Vale Delegated Decisions Report
To approve the recommendations as
detailed in the not for publication report.
Councillor T King introduced a
report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, to
note the delegated decisions for the continued redevelopment of
Markham Vale taken by the Executive Director – Place in
conjunction with the Leader of the Council.
To approve the recommendations as
detailed in the not for publication report.