Venue: Committee Room 1, County Hall, Matlock. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
To receive declarations of interest (if any) Minutes: Councillor C Hart declared an interest in item 5 on the agenda, Development of a Physical Activity Partnership update and approval of approach, (minute number 04/24 refers) as a Board Member of the Active Partners Trust. She advised that she would leave the room during the item’s consideration.
Councillor B Lewis declared an interest in item 14 on the agenda, Derbyshire Makes, the Derbyshire Festival of Making: Approval of Delivery Plan, including a range of Procurement and Funding Methods (minute number 13/24 refers). |
To consider Minority Group Leader questions (if any) Minority Group Leaders in attendance at the meeting are able to ask a question on a report on the agenda. Any questions should be provided inwriting by 12 noon at least 2 working days before the meeting. Minutes: Question from Councillor E Fordham to Councillor S Spencer
“One of the core elements of tackling our unsustainable budget deficit is to limit recruitment to non-essential posts. Within the budget there is the vacancy saving rate. Derbyshire County Council has been setting this at just 3%. Given our deficit and dilemma can a more appropriate estimation of 4% or even up to 6% be built into the budget plans for 2023-2024?”
Councillor Fordham did not attend the meeting therefore it was agreed that a written response would be provided after the meeting.
The response was:
The County Council currently does not have a vacancy factor across its employee budgets. The introduction of a vacancy factor across the organisation in 2024/25 is a way of reflecting in employee budgets the reduced costs that arise on the day-to-day basis through there being a level of staffing vacancies across the organisation.
Given the financial position of the Council and the requirement to achieve significant savings, the vacancy factor of 3% is considered to be fair. A vacancy factor of above 3% would mean departments would need to manage with less budget to manage their staffing costs. |
Minutes: RESOLVED:
To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 7 December 2023. |
Development of a Physical Activity Partnership update and approval of approach PDF 118 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED to:
1) Note the progress made to develop the Physical Activity Partnership Agreement for physical activity services which include exercise by referral, led walks programme, looked after children and Jog Derbyshire, as per the delegated decision to the Director of Public Health on 8 September 2021;
2) Approve the transfer of £3.201m to Active Partners Trust from 1 April 2024, for five years until 31 March 2029, to manage and implement the approach outlined in the partnership agreement to ensure improvement in physical activity outcomes for people living with long term conditions and those with the greatest inequalities; and
3) Note that the funding for the partnership agreement will come from the ringfenced Public Health Grant and supports Public Health’s responsibilities to improve the health of the population. Minutes: (Councillor C Hart left the room during consideration of this item having declared an interest as a member of the Active Partners Trust Board.)
Councillor B Lewis introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that gave an update in relation to work undertaken on the development of a partnership agreement and collaborative approach to physical activity provision in Derbyshire.
1) Note the progress made to develop the Physical Activity Partnership Agreement for physical activity services which include exercise by referral, led walks programme, looked after children and Jog Derbyshire, as per the delegated decision to the Director of Public Health on 8 September 2021;
2) Approve the transfer of £3.201m to Active Partners Trust from 1 April 2024, for five years until 31 March 2029, to manage and implement the approach outlined in the partnership agreement to ensure improvement in physical activity outcomes for people living with long term conditions and those with the greatest inequalities; and
3) Note that the funding for the partnership agreement will come from the ringfenced Public Health Grant and supports Public Health’s responsibilities to improve the health of the population. |
Localities and Place Community Health and Wellbeing Programme 2024-2029 PDF 641 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED to approve:
1) the continuation of the Public Health Localities Approach across the County for five years from 01 April 2024 to 31 March 2029;
2) the allocation of £0.659m from the Public Health ring-fenced grant to the Health and Wellbeing Partnerships for the period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 in the proportions set out in Table 2 in the financial considerations section of Appendix 1 of this report;
3) that authority is delegated to the Cabinet Member for Health and Communities to approve annual funding amounts from the Public Health Grant for the period April 2025 – March 2029 to the Health and Wellbeing Partnerships as required up to a maximum of £0.115m; and
4) the grant funding of the countywide Raising Aspirations Programme, coordinated through the Public Health localities team, for one further academic year 2024-25, investing £0.115m funded through the Public Health Grant and commissioned on Derbyshire County Council’s (DCC) behalf by the Bolsover Partnership. Minutes: Councillor C Hart introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that sought approval for the actions outlined in the report in relation to the Public health Localities Approach for 2024 – 2029.
RESOLVED to approve:
1) The continuation of the Public Health Localities Approach across the County for five years from 01 April 2024 to 31 March 2029;
2) The allocation of £0.659m from the Public Health ring-fenced grant to the Health and Wellbeing Partnerships for the period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 in the proportions set out in Table 2 in the financial considerations section of Appendix 1 of this report;
3) That authority is delegated to the Cabinet Member for Health and Communities to approve annual funding amounts from the Public Health Grant for the period April 2025 – March 2029 to the Health and Wellbeing Partnerships as required up to a maximum of £0.115m; and
4) The grant funding of the countywide Raising Aspirations Programme, coordinated through the Public Health localities team, for one further academic year 2024-25, investing £0.115m funded through the Public Health Grant and commissioned on Derbyshire County Council’s (DCC) behalf by the Bolsover Partnership. |
Reviewing the scope of the Derbyshire Discretionary Fund PDF 301 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED to:
1) Note the current demand on the Derbyshire Discretionary Fund (DDF) and the need to re-shape DDF policy to ensure that the fund can operate within agreed budget parameters;
2) Approve consultation with residents and wider stakeholders to explore the four proposals outlined in section 4.19 of the report that will inform future policy changes; and
3) Note that a further report, including an Equality Impact Analysis, will be submitted to Cabinet following the conclusion of the consultation process.
Minutes: Councillor C Hart introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that informed Cabinet in relation to the review of the scope of the Derbyshire Discretionary Fund.
1) Note the current demand on the Derbyshire Discretionary Fund (DDF) and the need to re-shape DDF policy to ensure that the fund can operate within agreed budget parameters;
2) Approve consultation with residents and wider stakeholders to explore the four proposals outlined in section 4.19 of the report that will inform future policy changes; and
3) Note that a further report, including an Equality Impact Analysis, will be submitted to Cabinet following the conclusion of the consultation process. |
Procurement of a block contract for children's residential homes PDF 111 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED to:
1) Approve a procurement solution of a block contract for children’s residential placements by (CCS047);
· Contract term: 10 years plus 5 years; · Maximum contract value: £3.579 million per year (for first 5 years of contract); · Maximum contract value at end of life of 15-year term is estimated at £4.8 million per year (anticipated increases within costs over 15-year term incorporated within this); · An estimated maximum of £58.5 million over a 15-year term with anticipated increases from free uplifts within this.
2) Approve a procurement solution of a block contract for children’s with disabilities overnight short breaks (CCS048) via the previous agreement of cabinet paper ‘Procurement of a block contract for Children's residential placements’ on 17 November 2022;
3) Delegate authority of the award decision to the Executive Director of Children’s Services; and
4) Approve the spend for both procurements from the current placement budget.
Minutes: Councillor J Patten introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that outlined current needs within the Children’s home residential sector and sought approval for the procurement of a block contract for Children’s residential placements.
1) Approve a procurement solution of a block contract for children’s residential placements by (CCS047);
· Contract term: 10 years plus 5 years; · Maximum contract value: £3.579 million per year (for first 5 years of contract); · Maximum contract value at end of life of 15-year term is estimated at £4.8 million per year (anticipated increases within costs over 15-year term incorporated within this); · An estimated maximum of £58.5 million over a 15-year term with anticipated increases from free uplifts within this.
2) Approve a procurement solution of a block contract for children’s with disabilities overnight short breaks (CCS048) via the previous agreement of cabinet paper ‘Procurement of a block contract for Children's residential placements’ on 17 November 2022;
3) Delegate authority of the award decision to the Executive Director of Children’s Services; and
4) Approve the spend for both procurements from the current placement budget.
Preparing a Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Derbyshire PDF 2 MB Decision: RESOLVED to:
1) Note the statutory duties that the Council must perform in its responsible authority role for the preparation and publication by 31 March 2025 of a Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Derbyshire;
2) Approve the proposed governance arrangements for stakeholder engagement designed to support the performance of these duties that are outlined in this report.; and
3) Authorise the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the relevant portfolio to make such minor adjustments to these arrangements as he might consider to be appropriate or necessary. Minutes: Councillor C Renwick introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that gave an update in relation to the preparation of a Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Derbyshire.
1) Note the statutory duties that the Council must perform in its responsible authority role for the preparation and publication by 31 March 2025 of a Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Derbyshire;
2) Approve the proposed governance arrangements for stakeholder engagement designed to support the performance of these duties that are outlined in this report.; and
3) Authorise the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the relevant portfolio to make such minor adjustments to these arrangements as he might consider to be appropriate or necessary. |
County Hall Options Appraisal - Outline Business Case for the Future of CCHQ PDF 282 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED to:
1) Receive and note the findings of the Outline Business Case for the future of County Hall;
2) Approve the recommended option, in which the Council moves to a smaller new headquarters on the Matlock Campus site and that the main County Hall campus is redeveloped to deliver a mixed use;
3) Approve taking the recommended Option 3 forward to the more detailed business case stage and due diligence;
4) Support the inclusion of £0.375m in the Capital Programme for 2024/25 to fund the development of the full detailed business case and request approval for the funding of this next stage of work in the sum of £0.375m, subject to approval of the 2024/25 Capital Programme by Full Council in February 2024; and
5) Approve the delegation to the Director of Property in consultation with the Director of Legal and Democratic Services the power to procure and appoint such consultants as may be required for due diligence and development of the Option 3 detailed business case including where appropriate the extension or variation of existing contracts within the funding envelope of £0.375m (Subject to this amount being approved by Full Council in February 2024 as part of the 2024/25 Capital programme). Minutes: Councillor S Spencer introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that gave an update in relation to the County Hall Options Appraisal and presented an outline Business Case for the Future of The County Council Headquarters.
1) Receive and note the findings of the Outline Business Case for the future of County Hall;
2) Approve the recommended option, in which the Council moves to a smaller new headquarters on the Matlock Campus site and that the main County Hall campus is redeveloped to deliver a mixed use;
3) Approve taking the recommended Option 3 forward to the more detailed business case stage and due diligence;
4) Support the inclusion of £0.375m in the Capital Programme for 2024/25 to fund the development of the full detailed business case and request approval for the funding of this next stage of work in the sum of £0.375m, subject to approval of the 2024/25 Capital Programme by Full Council in February 2024; and
5) Approve the delegation to the Director of Property in consultation with the Director of Legal and Democratic Services the power to procure and appoint such consultants as may be required for due diligence and development of the Option 3 detailed business case including where appropriate the extension or variation of existing contracts within the funding envelope of £0.375m (Subject to this amount being approved by Full Council in February 2024 as part of the 2024/25 Capital programme). |
Budget Savings Proposals 2024/25 to 2028/29 PDF 273 KB Decision: RESOLVED to:
1) Note the financial context and approach to budget setting for 2024/25 as set out in the report;
2) Note the possible options in respect of budget savings for the 2024/25 Financial Year;
3) Refer these proposals to the Improvement and Scrutiny Committee for Resources for consideration at its meeting on the 22 January 2024 and request that the Improvement & Scrutiny Committee provide feedback in order that it can be considered at the Budget Cabinet meeting on the 1 February 2024; and
4) Note that, where the proposed savings and efficiencies do not progress, alternative savings will need to be found in order to meet the Council’s legal obligations to set a balanced budget. Minutes: Councillor S Spencer introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting in relation to Budget Savings Proposals from 2024/25 to 2028/29.
1) Note the financial context and approach to budget setting for 2024/25 as set out in the report;
2) Note the possible options in respect of budget savings for the 2024/25 Financial Year;
3) Refer these proposals to the Improvement and Scrutiny Committee for Resources for consideration at its meeting on the 22 January 2024 and request that the Improvement & Scrutiny Committee provide feedback in order that it can be considered at the Budget Cabinet meeting on the 1 February 2024; and
4) Note that, where the proposed savings and efficiencies do not progress, alternative savings will need to be found in order to meet the Council’s legal obligations to set a balanced budget. |
Derbyshire County Council Climate Change Strategy: Annual Review of Progress (2023) PDF 418 KB Decision: RESOLVED to note:
1) the progress being made against the Council's net zero target of 2032, or sooner, and the County’s net zero target of 2050, and the challenges being faced to reduce emissions from Corporate Property, streetlighting, core fleet and grey fleet;
2) the progress being made against each target and action within the Derbyshire County Council Climate Change Strategy: Achieving Net Zero (2021-2025); and
3) the other key projects, initiatives and schemes that are contributing to the Council's climate change and wider sustainability agenda and objectives. Minutes: Councillor B Lewis introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that provided an annual summary of progress made against the delivery of the Derbyshire County Council Climate Change Strategy.
RESOLVED to note:
1) the progress being made against the Council's net zero target of 2032, or sooner, and the County’s net zero target of 2050, and the challenges being faced to reduce emissions from Corporate Property, streetlighting, core fleet and grey fleet;
2) the progress being made against each target and action within the Derbyshire County Council Climate Change Strategy: Achieving Net Zero (2021-2025); and
3) the other key projects, initiatives and schemes that are contributing to the Council's climate change and wider sustainability agenda and objectives. |
Decision: RESOLVED to:
1) Approve acceptance of the award to the Council by the Department for Transport of the local highways maintenance; additional funding 2023-24 of £3.014m (as set out in Paragraph 4.3 of the report);
2) Delegate any decisions in relation to the spending of this funding to the Director for Highways, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways, Assets and Transport; and
3) Delegate approval and discharge of the relevant grant conditions to the Authority’s Section 151 Office.
Minutes: Councillor C Cupit introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that sought approval for the acceptance of Department for Transport Local Highways Maintenance Additional Funding for 2023-24.
1) Approve acceptance of the award to the Council by the Department for Transport of the local highways maintenance; additional funding 2023-24 of £3.014m (as set out in Paragraph 4.3 of the report);
2) Delegate any decisions in relation to the spending of this funding to the Director for Highways, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways, Assets and Transport; and
3) Delegate approval and discharge of the relevant grant conditions to the Authority’s Section 151 Office. |
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED to:
1) Note the activities and revised timetable for delivery of the Derbyshire Makes project; and
2) Approve:
a) A procurement of services for the delivery of key aspects of the project up to a total value of £1.53m over three years from 2024 to 2027;
b) The establishment and implementation of a £0.148m small grants scheme aimed at producing content for the key festival periods of the project, to be administered by the Council’s Sustainable Growth Service;
c) Submission of a grant application for approximately £0.200m to the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NHLF) for producing content and supporting delivery of the project; and
d) Revision of the total projected ‘commercial pipeline’ spending amount for the project over three years 2024 to 2027, including grant funded spend from £0.250m (as currently set out in the Service Plan) to £1.530m. Minutes: Councillor B Lewis introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that informed Cabinet of the expected activities and revised timetable for the delivery of the Derbyshire Makes project.
1) Note the activities and revised timetable for delivery of the Derbyshire Makes project; and
2) Approve:
a) A procurement of services for the delivery of key aspects of the project up to a total value of £1.53m over three years from 2024 to 2027;
b) The establishment and implementation of a £0.148m small grants scheme aimed at producing content for the key festival periods of the project, to be administered by the Council’s Sustainable Growth Service;
c) Submission of a grant application for approximately £0.200m to the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NHLF) for producing content and supporting delivery of the project; and
d) Revision of the total projected ‘commercial pipeline’ spending amount for the project over three years 2024 to 2027, including grant funded spend from £0.250m (as currently set out in the Service Plan) to £1.530m. |
Exclusion of the Public To move “That under Regulation 4 (2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that in view of the nature of the items of business, that if members of the public were present, exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 would be disclosed to them.” Minutes: RESOLVED:
That under Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public are excluded from the meeting for the remaining business on the grounds that in view of the nature of the items of business, that if members of the public were present, exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 would be disclosed to them. |
To approve, as a correct record, the exempt minutes of the meeting held on 7 December 2023 Minutes: RESOLVED:
To approve, as a correct record, the exempt minutes of the meeting held on 7 December 2023. |