Issue - meetings

Bus Service Improvement Plan Refresh

Meeting: 29/04/2024 - Cabinet (Item 84)

84 Bus Service Improvement Plan Refresh pdf icon PDF 117 KB




1)   Note the update on the new Bus Service Improvement Plan, the guidance published by the Department for Transport and the work undertaken so far to meet the objectives set down in it; and


2)   Approve the various additional measures which are recommended for inclusion in the Council’s refreshed BSIP for the 2025-26 programme onwards and grants the Executive Director - Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member - Highways Assets and Transport delegated powers to agree the final wording of the refreshed Bus Service Improvement Plan which must be submitted to the Department for Transport by 12 June 2024.


A response to Councillor Dixon’s question was provided as follows:


“The costs have been contained within the consultant’s current contract for assisting with work for BSIP including support for the Enhanced Partnership Board which totals a maximum spend of £125,000 to the end of March 2025. This is 0.2% of the overall investment that BSIP is enabling DCC to make in Derbyshire’s bus networks.”


Councillor C Cupit introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, in relation to the Bus Service Improvement Plan Refresh.




1)   Note the update on the new Bus Service Improvement Plan, the guidance published by the Department for Transport and the work undertaken so far to meet the objectives set down in it; and


2)   Approve the various additional measures which are recommended for inclusion in the Council’s refreshed BSIP for the 2025-26 programme onwards and grants the Executive Director - Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member - Highways Assets and Transport delegated powers to agree the final wording of the refreshed Bus Service Improvement Plan which must be submitted to the Department for Transport by 12 June 2024.